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More news on Dive Cylinders..


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Now I understand where your coming from... sorry fella you didn't really make that clear in your initial post :)

What your saying then is change the colour of the bottle to show it isn't used for breathable air or submission etc...

This stops the need for the VISUAL test being barried out after the 2 1/2 years.


UK Redskins
Oct 31, 2003
Essex, UK
Originally posted by Parksy
Now I understand where your coming from... sorry fella you didn't really make that clear in your initial post :)

What your saying then is change the colour of the bottle to show it isn't used for breathable air or submission etc...

This stops the need for the VISUAL test being barried out after the 2 1/2 years.

And saves you £27.00 for each cylinder in the process.......

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Bit of an update, i spoke to my local dive shop Remar, and they're on the ball rule-wise.

The important point is not the colour of the cylinder, but the type of valve used. As most of the dive bottles come from Midland diving, you can guess what type of valve is used, a diving valve. It would need to be replaced with an industrial valve, and they are expensive, £100 plus.

The colour is an indication of it's use, but the valve is the decider.

This ruling is a bit vague, and varies through different diving shops, but he recently had an IDEST visit, and they recommended that all bottles used for non diving purposes are still given the 2 1/2 years visual test, unless the valve is industrial.

Hope this helps, and as it will vary between different dive shops i would have the test done.


Sep 14, 2002
Here in the states the visual inspection is required once a year, but the shop that I bought my tank at does it for me for free.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2003
The Hive
Originally posted by Skeetmaster
I dont think your supposed to spray paint cylinders anyway, much like crash helmets...
There is no problem in spraying dive tanks. Just got my bottle tested a couple of weeks back and asked then.
The tester said the only problem that I may get is the finish might not last, something to do with the bottle streching (sp) slightly when it is being filled. Also that the original paint coating is baked on.
Something else that he said was that dive tanks don't have a life span, like marker tanks. As long as they go through test, they are legal.
If you take your bottle to a dive shop to be filled it should have a 'Breathing Air' wrap on it (sticker), cost you about £2.00.


Platinum Member
As has been said..its mainly the valve that is fitted..if it's a wet valve, then no matter if it goes under water or not, it needs the same test schedule...if it is fitted with a dry valve your all good....LPS do these fill rigs, 12L 300bar with rig for about £180 so, best buy one of those if you get one new...they carry the 5 year test.