Thats Blown It !
It was bound to happen !!!!
In my usual cak handed way I seem to have made things worse !!
Took the reg apart (ergo) wiped it down etc, not much gunk in there but then again I could not get into all the bits fully.
Put it back together as I thought I had taken it apart and hey presto, it wont work at all !!!!!!
Attached the tank to the drop line and air is just p1ssing out of the barrel and when screwed in fully out of the very small hole in the side of the reg body, I'm guessing that I have put it back together wrong but their was only 3 parts that came out of the flaming thing !!
Took the screw out from the bottom, the spring then came out, the only other thing that came about was a brass fitting around 25 mm long, thats it ?? Put it back together as I thought I'd taken it apart
any ideas fella's, I know a trip to Jack would be the best idea but he goes to the USA on Wednesday and I need this thing for the Indoor this weekend HELP !!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell by this that I am useless at this sort of stuff !!!!!!