All comments I've made have been based on my experiance marshalling.Originally posted by Simon Cole
Without Prejudice
It has been brought to my attention that some players representing, both themselves and teams, have published derogatory and inflammatory remarks about my team and by association myself.
This has been done in most cases anonymously. I have always found that at sometime during your life, you are brought to account for your actions. I have stated in previous communications that it is my intention to do so, particulary regarding my behaviour at last weekend's tournament at Team Spirit.
If you feel so strongly with regards to this issue, please do me the courtesy of re stating them, along with your full name and postal address, this will allow me and my solicitor, to carefully consider there content and implications, and respond accordingly.
If on the other hand you feel, you do not have the spine to stand clearly and publicly behind your views, then they should carry no more weight, than those of a playground tantrum, from a spoilt and ill disciplined infant. If people continue to publish anonymous slanderous accusations, you are being disingenuous to yourself and your peers.
I have the greatest respect for all paintball players in general and particularly Mark Blakemore and the Midland Masters Organisation, I will commit my fate to their disciplinary committee, if you hold them in any esteem whatsoever, I respectively suggest you do the same.
Simon Cole - Team Viper
You can contact me privatley for my address if you see fit.
Have to say though, talk of solicitors is fookin hillarious considering!