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mm round 5 - excellent day!


thinking of coming Back
Oct 7, 2002

RDX & RDXTRA all had a top day , this torny was great to play,
Big ta to Blakey, and crew behind the scenes top event i dont know how you guys do it? Thanks to the Marshalls Sad/ Exadus/Manchester Marshalls /Plus any others out there.
Fields were great , loads of room for the teams , toilets stunk HA only after id had a visit,
well done to all the teams especially all the winning ones,

Well done RDX only our second torny won 4 lost four, team spirit was great all day.
Well done EXTRA and guests Simon Saddams Bunker Dukinfield,Graham, oh and Roger from white heat Cheers warrior for that.
thanks Tris for the paint and that last game I enjoyed it , a big thanks to all our sponsers , Severe/Bti/tcs/fury sports Great tops Andy pics will be on da way soon, oh planet for help pod packs outstanding, service all year round ,


New Member
May 12, 2003
Pompey in'it
Re: hia guys!

Originally posted by Cowboy
thats cos you were talkin ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL GOD DAMM NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and dont blame the ppl who were shaging......you prob slept through the worst of it
Troggy Thinks I'm glad I stayed in a hotel half an hour away!!! :D :rolleyes:


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002

Originally posted by GEORGEMANOLI
toilets stunk

HA only after id had a visit,
He isn't joking either, you really don't want to be in a bunker with him after a curry!!!!

Good day guys, I think we suprised ourselves a little and proved Blakey right to stick us in Div E, (curses I hate admitting I might be the teensiest bit wrong :D )

My guys rose to the occasion 1st thing with a bit of a shock to the guys from Jersey IIRC followed by an ass kicking for the rest of the morning, great game with the Feral Jesters, and I think it was Dusted Monkey who absolutely brutalized us in minutes without loss. We'll get you next time guys :p

The afternoon, well something somewhere worked, perhaps it was the hot dogs but we managed to get game from somewhere and won all the afternoons games, and even avoided playing in the rain:D

All I've got to do now is get some pink and yellow paint out of my nice shiny playing jersey, (nice one Scutty and Fury!) 3rd wash and it's still not coming out...which one of you buggers was using staining paint, my washing machine wants a word :p

See y'all at the next one if we get out deposit in on time


New Member
Aug 31, 2002
another excellant tourney there just isn,t another series like the MM in the UK
so a BIG THANK YOU to the MM crew.

like to say a HUGE THANKS to the sad squad for welcoming me to the team.

luv to all the angels
cya next week