Egii, please re-read what I wrote, I am saying they should get an average of their points thus far, so if Dynasty wins the first tournament and gets 200 points, then the average is obviously 200 and this should then be allocated to them for the purposes of judging.Originally posted by egiii
Not giving any points for marshalling gives a problem also. For example (this is just an example, not reality)
Dynasty wins the first round and marshals the second one. For the third round they will still be seeded very low since the teams that have played two rounds will get more point even if they haven't played that well.
I think a good system would be to give 200points for the marshalling when it's done and a 100point bonus at the end of the season. This would make sure everybody would marshall but not mix up the seedings during the year.
Of course in the perfect world we would have professional marshals and this problem (one of many caused by teams marshalling) would be solved.
--Egi / Cyclone
So after two rounds they would be sitting with 400 points.
If you judge for the first round, then you are allocated an average of all the previous year's rounds.
The balance is redressed at the end of the season.
Simple ain't it....when you read it
PS I agree 100% with the professional judges comment !