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Millennium: Maxs Masters


New Member
Jul 9, 2001
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Just seen your post... Sorry can't answer it as I do not have the info you require.

Laurent coordinates the marshalling teams..But I suggest you contact
Joerge at CMC. Email him on.


If this fails contact me again and I'll look into it for you.



Feb 15, 2002
MAXS Masters IV official decleration

15-02-2002 CMC/MAXS official declaration to the MAXS-Masters IV

To stop all rumors about the MAXS-Masters marshalling:

Since a change of the rules, the official Marshalls will be:

All Americans (USA, Pro)
Enemy (France, Pro)
Cyclone (Finland, AM)
Consilium Dei (Switzerland, Am)
All Stars (Germany, AM)
Syndicate (Germany, Am)

Note: Places are filling up fast. We will stop entering at 90 teams!



New Member
Feb 8, 2002
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MAXS Masters IV official decleration

Thank you Sascha!

Seems to be a really high profile and experienced bunch of judging teams. Together with the AAs just perfect for all those big boys coming over from the states. Let them find out what we understand when talking of good judging
:) :) :)

Just one last thing and I am satisfied: Who is team "Syndicate" on your list? I have never heart of them before? Anyone else here?

You don't let judge a "millennium-first-timer", do you?

Come on, give me one more "official statement". You Germans are just brillant when it comes to declarations! :D :D :D

don enrico

New Member
Feb 19, 2002
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Funny thing!

Syndicate is not only a Millennium First Timer, they are a complete new team. So I can understand that you are nerveous about that. Who wants Rookie-Judges on the field. But Laurent will probably choose proper teams for the marshalling. Don´t you think?
What I don´t understand is that Eifel Blitz and Headhunters got kicked ´cause they´re not among the top24. Eifel Blitz have at least played several events of the MS over they years and the Headhunters have an international reputation as a well performing marshall-team. So why Syndicate but not them?
Rules or no rules. But for all please.

Don Enrico


Active Member
Dec 27, 2001
First i am a Teammember of the Cologne Predators.

For Informations, Cologne Predators are a well known Tournament Team in Germany and even Templer are an well known Team. In the 2k1 Season we won the westgerman Amateur Championships and the german Championships, if you want to you can even read something about in an issue of the Face-Full Magazine. By the way we've marshalled the open class of the westgerman League and we even marshalled the open class of the german Championships and weve marshalled some other german events where the players have been very satisfied with our Marshallingperformance. In some german Paintball Magazines and even in the Face-Full Magazine you can read about our Marshalling.

Templer marshalled the westgerman Amateur League for two years and they marshalled some bigger events like the Diablo European Masters 2001. Theyve placed second at the open class of the german Championships two times in a row and won the westgerman openclass Championships.

In autumn of 2001 the best players from both teams decided to make one Team for the Millennium Series. This team is called Syndicate.

In my oppinion there has to be changes made to the quality of Marshalling in the Millennium Series, but i think that the quality of playing (Ranking Top 24) doesn't say much about the quality of marshalling. Then how many times have you seen some top ranked Amateur Teams marshalling very bad?!

Syndicate is going to play the other five events of the Millennium Series.

Please take this as information about Cologne Predators + Templer = Syndicate and not as complaint. :)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Hi Fierce,

Thanks for clearing that up. I think however that people don't have a problem with the team (especially since they didn't know who they are), but they just found it strange that the very same people that made the rules about marshalling, are now doing something completely contrary to these very same rules. I hope you didn't take it as an insult to your team.
