I honestly doubt it that this format will last long if the maximum is 500 balls per person. I can't see how having this little paint will leave more room for the skilled players either or at the very least how it will aid players in becoming better
This will seriously affect mid and most of all back players and will have a negative effect on the fronts. Strong breaks with good lining will no longer be as doable as now as it will cost a back player 2/3 of the overall paint he/she has. Thus, the number of bodies that go down within the first 15 seconds of the game might drop significantly as everyone will be saving up. I have had teammates capable of firing their hoppers and a pod in that time, allowing them to make 1 or 2 Gs in Div1 in the Millennium every second or third point. Yeah, this isn't CPL but still. Imagine how screwed would the team be if no Gs are made and the backs have 1 pod left each after the break.
Also, front player will have less pressure on them to be as fast and smart as possible in the break. We will start seeing ridiculous runs and players will actually make it 4 out of 5 times, etc. making it easy for almost everyone to do runs that only a handfull of players can normally do on a tournament now.
Furthermore, every now and then it happens so that a pod drops out of the harness or opens while one is running, which will be quite devastating if it was your second pod, you are one of the last players and it is the decisive point of a semi:final for example. No one would be happy being sent back home as a result of bad luck and this regulation. At least now it would be the player's fault he didn't take enough paint.
And think about those important points when it is 1 on 1, or 2 on 2 and both teams have little paint left... sometimes it takes ages until the point is over. We've all seen it on pretty much every tournament. With this new limit, the number of point like this will probs skyrocket.
Plus, holding a line or pressuring your mirror to stay behind his/hers bunker will now turn into simple snap shooting, which always holds greater risk. Not to mention that the really good player with vision of the whole field will no longer be able to keep pressure on 2 or 3 opposing players allowing his own to move.
I don't know... in my opinion this format will aid the ones learning but harm the decent players and few aspects of the dynamics of the game.
I am not talking about the profi players. They would probably be able to make amazing games with a pod each, but the majority of tournament players are not Chad George.
As for reducing the costs. When it comes to major events in Europe, the paint is normally just one of the expenses and rarely the biggest one, unless you make to the final and play an average of 5 points per game. Meaning that a small reduction in the paint bill will probably make a small difference anyway.
Also as Ash already mentioned it, on average a team uses around a box of paint anyways. Normally, backs shoot the most and fronts the least. But you cant leave your fronts with 1 pod so that the backs have more than 2. If the idea of the format is that everyone pays equally for what he/she shoot, than ok. But I doubt it there is a serious team that divides the cost among them on the basis of how much each person shoots, as that way the back would always be scr*wed