The reason why ......
Hi Guys,
The reason why some of you can't see the new site yet is simply that not all DNS servers on the internet has been updated with the new name records yet.
The site has been moved to a new server and this requires the DNS a-record to be updated on all the DNS servers (on the entire Internet) that is authorative for the zone. Propagation of the updated information should take no longer than 72 hours - so those of you still getting the "old" page will just have to be patient a little longer.
Flushing DNS, Reloading and other tricks wont help if your Internet providers DNS servers aren't updated yet.
Sorry for the technical Mumbo-Jumbo I guess I got carried away.
Hang in there, everybody should be up and running by tomorrow !
P.S. Im no longer involved in running the Milllennium series website (updating the DNS records was my last job) - Please direct any questions about the site or information on it to the series secretary - you can find his e-mail address on the new website under contacts at