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Millenium Paintball 2009 - XBox


Save a Drum, Beat a Box
Mar 23, 2009
Chester, Cheshire

Got it in the mail yesterday, and im on course for an immediate 820 GS upon completion, Ive done all training, upgraded all stats, playing Career on Pro and got up to semi pro last night, im playing following this tip.....

"When you come to a stage where you have a choice of two tournaments, play the ones located in America (there are five total). When you finish the Career, you can play all the ones you missed the first time, in Exhibition."

.....ive already done the exibition ones so im on course for world tour upon completion aswell. Ill complete it tonight, after about 5 hours total probably (I had a bit of blast on the woodsball for a bit lol), then ill have to get another 12 months XBL to try an boost the rest of the achs!

Its a fun game to be fair, better than I first expected after watching the gameplay vids on youtube, and i really like the two button [RT]+[RB] firing, just like real balling lol.
My only annoyances really would be having to run their flag back to my base every single round and how repetative and easy it is, even on pro!
I took the cheat meter off straight after the first tournament cos that just makes it
impossible to lose lol.
Ive spent more than £24.99 on worse games so im happy! :D
