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Millenium dates?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
By L.Hamet:

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Le millennium va annoncer officiellement cette nouvele regle qui est sensiblement la meme que pour la bille.
Concernant les fabricants de marqueurs, s'ils ne sont pas Platinum gun sponsor, ils devront etre Display gun sponsor sinon les marqueurs ne pourront pas etre utilises par les joueurs (hormis D2, D3/M5) ou exhibes sur les stands.
cela leur coutera 2000 euros par tournoi soit 10 000 euros par an.
A ce jour Eclipse, Dye, Smart parts, Luxe, Angel, Kingman, Tippman ont accepte.
Il y a de nombreuses raisons pour cette nouvelle regle.
la principale est de proteger les sponsors actuels qui supportent les circuits et les equipes. C'est a leur demande que cette regle est imposee car certains fabricants de marqueurs trichent, voir abusent du systeme.
Ils demandent une protection tout comme les fabricants de billes l'avaient demande .
Donc pour resume cela concerne que les equipes qui jouent dans les divisions lockes a savoir CPl, Spl et D1.
je ne connais pas de joueurs a ce jour qui vont etre affectes.

de plus, des fabricants vont mettre en place des programmes de sponsoring pour les joueurs qui ne sont pas equipes.
cela va reduire le cout des marqueurs pour les competiteurs.

He said:

The Millenium will said it officially

A non platinium brand have to pay 2000 euro per competition, so 10 000 euro a year.
[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Eclipse, Dye, Smart parts, Luxe, Angel, Kingman, Tippman had accepted.
bob long and Mac dev are under negociations.
AND to sale or have Guns on stand.

This concern "only" cpl, spl and d1

Will be a kind of this rules for balls.

I will let a good translator make a real translation.



I'm a country member!
The millennium will officially announce this new rule which is essentially the same as for paintballs. Manufacturers of markers, who are not Platinum gun sponsors, will have to pay to be Display gun sponsors or the markers cannot be use by players (except D2, D3/M5) or exhibited on the stands. this will cost them 2000 euros per tournament, or 10.000 euros per annum.

To date Eclipse, Dye, Smart Parts, Luxe, Angel, Kingman, Tippman have accepted. There are many reasons for this new rule. the principal one is to protect the current sponsors who support the events and the teams.

At their request this rule is imposed because certain manufacturers of markers cheat, and abuse the system. They just just want the protection the manufacturers of paintballs have requested.

In summary this concerns those teams which play in locked divisions, CPl, Spl and D1.

To date I do not know how many players who will be affected, however, manufacturers will set up programmes of sponsoring for the players who are not teams. that will reduce the cost of the markers for the candidates.
Or that's more or less the gist of it in my eyes, but my translation may not be entirely accurate!

Wonder if Dye have paid twice to allow teams to use Proto branded guns in the locked top 3 divisions?


Who are the cheating abusive marker manufacturers?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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Or that's more or less the gist of it in my eyes, but my translation may not be entirely accurate!

Wonder if Dye have paid twice to allow teams to use Proto branded guns in the locked top 3 divisions?


Who are the cheating abusive marker manufacturers?
None of that is written on what I'm reading, and I think the 10g is just for a gun. If you have a clothing line, loader, mask etc, then you have to get up there to the 30g package. If you have 2 brands, its 38g.
Cheap compared to what the paint guys are being asked to pay, but still, my issue is the fundamental shift between 'asking' companies for sponsorship and excluding them entirely if they don't cough-up a predetermined amount.
Trade-shows are places where you get to see the latest and newest stuff. This experience should not be censored, in any way, and I feel that doing so may constitute restriction of trade. Its also extremely difficult to police, and will result in trailers being parked outside of the venue selling product (just like the bad old days)


Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
If I were the Centurio League, I would be laughing my hairy eastern european ass off.
1. Seen many eastern european asses recently?

2. The centurio might benefit in some way, but I wouldn't expect a mass exodus from the Millennium.

...and PM'd you.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
By L.Hamet:

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Le millennium va annoncer officiellement cette nouvele regle qui est sensiblement la meme que pour la bille.
Concernant les fabricants de marqueurs, s'ils ne sont pas Platinum gun sponsor, ils devront etre Display gun sponsor sinon les marqueurs ne pourront pas etre utilises par les joueurs (hormis D2, D3/M5) ou exhibes sur les stands.
cela leur coutera 2000 euros par tournoi soit 10 000 euros par an.
A ce jour Eclipse, Dye, Smart parts, Luxe, Angel, Kingman, Tippman ont accepte.
Il y a de nombreuses raisons pour cette nouvelle regle.
la principale est de proteger les sponsors actuels qui supportent les circuits et les equipes. C'est a leur demande que cette regle est imposee car certains fabricants de marqueurs trichent, voir abusent du systeme.
Ils demandent une protection tout comme les fabricants de billes l'avaient demande .
Donc pour resume cela concerne que les equipes qui jouent dans les divisions lockes a savoir CPl, Spl et D1.
je ne connais pas de joueurs a ce jour qui vont etre affectes.

de plus, des fabricants vont mettre en place des programmes de sponsoring pour les joueurs qui ne sont pas equipes.
cela va reduire le cout des marqueurs pour les competiteurs.

I will let a good translator make a real translation.

Well, I'm not a good translator but I'll do my best :-

The millennium will officially announce this new rule which is basically the same one for the paint sponsors.
Concerning the manufacturers of markers, if they are not a Platinum gun sponsor, they will have to be a 'display gun sponsor' .
If not a display gun sposnor, the markers cannot be used by any player (except D2, D3/M5) or exhibited on any vendor stands.

This will cost 2000 Euros per tournament which is 10.000 Euros a year.
To date - Eclipse, Dye, Smart Parts, Luxe, Angel, Kingman, and Tippman have all accepted.

There are many reasons for this new rule, the main one is to protect the current sponsors who support the Millennium series and the teams.
This is their request and this this rule is imposed because certain manufacturers of markers misuse the system.
They asked for the same protection as the paint manufacturers have.

To summarise, this concerns the teams who play in the locked divisions, the CPL, SPL and D1.

I do not know any players who will be affected at the moment, however, manufacturers will set up sponsorship programmes for players who are not part of any team, this will reduce the cost of the markers for the competitors.

I'm not 100% sure about the last sentence but it's near enough I think.


I'm a country member!
Yeah, I struggled with that last bit, hence the syntax not being as good as the rest of my translation, I was racking my brains for the reasoning :rolleyes:

BTW, I think you may have been a little too literal in places, I think the English for Luxe is Luxe, or should that actually be DLX ;)

Missy, don't shoot the messenger, I can see the reasoning from the trade point of view, i.e. to protect the investment you have put in attending the event and paying for your pitch/tech tent etc. However, how would this effect a 'retail' type stall holder with a variety of products from different manufacturers/brands? It might just quash some of the innovation from smaller concerns that we have seen in the past.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
1. Seen many eastern european asses recently?

2. The centurio might benefit in some way, but I wouldn't expect a mass exodus from the Millennium.

...and PM'd you.
I don't see the Centurio making that type of move in the short or mid term, the real danger, and greater likelihood comes in the form of a big gun from the US deciding to set up a European league of their own and the first thing they are gonna do is hook up with the Centurio, well that's what I'd do anyway.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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Yeah, I struggled with that last bit, hence the syntax not being as good as the rest of my translation, I was racking my brains for the reasoning :rolleyes:

BTW, I think you may have been a little too literal in places, I think the English for Luxe is Luxe, or should that actually be DLX ;)

Missy, don't shoot the messenger, I can see the reasoning from the trade point of view, i.e. to protect the investment you have put in attending the event and paying for your pitch/tech tent etc. However, how would this effect a 'retail' type stall holder with a variety of products from different manufacturers/brands? It might just quash some of the innovation from smaller concerns that we have seen in the past.
Dude, we're on the same page. I don't agree with the reasoning 'from the trade', they should make their products the ones people want to buy through meeting the clients various needs, not through restriction of trade,

Also, if I am Dye, and I pay my money, does that mean that the little store that's set up next to me at the event selling Dye guns and Macdev guns has to take one or both down off display? What if that little guy sells his Dye guns $100 cheaper than they do on the Dye booth? meaning that Dye paid the money, but the little guy got all the sales (after paying nothing)

If I'm the guy on the little booth, and I just put up pictures/descriptions of the guns I have available for sale there, with the product in my van, can I get away with it and sell whatever I like?

Laurent says that Angel have agreed. I have heard different. If Joy (Series Champions) show up at the event and are not allowed to use their guns, will they be allowed onto the field without guns? How many games will they play before the event is a mockery?

A d3 team show up. They use DMs and Dye is a sponsor. 2 guns go down, and the only back-up is a Spyder, so they use it. Are they banned, play short, penalised, or what? If penalised, what's the penalty?

Nicky Cuba is sponsored by Pinochio loaders. Pinochio are not a sponsor. if Nicky uses a different loader he loses his sponsorship deal and his reputation as a man of his word. Does he get to play? If so, why?

Oliver lang/Virtue, same questions.

I mean, they can't just do this with markers, surely. if it makes sense, it has to apply to masks, loaders and tanks, not to mention clothing firms. Otherwise it would be unfairly 'biased' towards/against the leagues gun sponsors, wouldn't it?

What is JT refuse to get on board? Are none of their teams allowed to play in JT's?

Most importantly, if the industry choose to embrace this, what happens next year or 2011 when numbers double, and now its 50-60g, or your guns are out of the league? Has anyone thought that far ahead? They can contest this now on many different grounds. But next year they can only contest it for financial reasons as they have already endorsed the leagues decision to go this route through their own compliance. They lose all their bargaining chips.