u played us and i found no problems with yer paint. i got shot, stood up and walked out. like 10 outa the 11 games i playedAs i thought we DID NOT PLAY ANY OF THE TEAMS ON THIS THREAD (except the angels who we beat in less than 1 min!) & they never complained of any pain (excet the one i shot in the arse hole) she signed the sheet and we had a laugh about it
NO body come up to me as the captin and complained at the end of any gameif somebody broke my hopper they would have been told !!!!!
cheers Graemesolo,
Now mate, We (DV'us) played you. And to be fair I had no issue with your paint! Yeah it hurt when it hit and you could tell you were out, but hey i've played against worse!! It did leave a rather large purple bruise but i'll live!!!
We had questions over our paint (Tomahawk Winter) cos it was blue coloured!!