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Midlands Masters Who Got Hoppers Broken by Paint

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Monkey features
Dec 10, 2005
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I think people on here have completely missed the point of the whole paint issue...........yes some teams shooting hard paint and yes it’s a hard time of year to decide what type of ball to go for winter/summer. The whole point in question is, IS THE PAINT SAFE!!!!!! If the paint is not braking and blowing holes in hoppers then it is clear to me that the paint is NOT SAFE..... If mugging with this paint had happened and the unfortunate person getting mugged got shot in the lens would the lens take the pace??????? Probably not!!!!!!! That’s why all the games were stopped and that’s why teams were getting paint cheeked going on to the filed!!!!!!! I think you should be great full that this issued was raised to Wendy and her crew ( cheers guys and girls) cheked the painyt and tryed to resolve this issue and that a more serous out come didn’t happen ....... I would hate to see the masters discontinued due to some team using unsafe paint and the jonny law coming down hard on paintball ..........

Just a few of my thought cheers!!!!!! Majic moo
compared the plastic of a velocity to a goggle lense? :p


the only magic moo
Aug 11, 2003
thats not the point!!!!!!! IS THE PAINT SAFE IF IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH HOPPERS.................HOW BAOUT I SHOOT YOU IN THE BOLLOX WITH IT AND TELL ME HOW SAFE YOU THINK IT IS THEN.....stop beeing so padantic!!!!!!!!!!:)
Oct 28, 2003
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stop being so dramatic :p
:eek: :eek: :eek: dramatic?????? its not dramatic, stressing the point of safety first is what hes doin i believe, puttin it into prospect, if it was to happen then it wudnt just be replacin hopper shells, lenses or eyes

lets all hope spec ops has no further use/is banned and leave it at that, we all understand the dangers of paintball and using a rock solid paint that is designed for freezin conditions, would be a cause of concern for us all,

with players bein knocked out it wud be ever so stupid to continue usin it


Platinum Member
May 26, 2005
I think people on here have completely missed the point of the whole paint issue...........yes some teams shooting hard paint and yes it’s a hard time of year to decide what type of ball to go for winter/summer. The whole point in question is, IS THE PAINT SAFE!!!!!! If the paint is not braking and blowing holes in hoppers then it is clear to me that the paint is NOT SAFE..... If mugging with this paint had happened and the unfortunate person getting mugged got shot in the lens would the lens take the pace??????? Probably not!!!!!!! That’s why all the games were stopped and that’s why teams were getting paint cheeked going on to the filed!!!!!!! I think you should be great full that this issued was raised to Wendy and her crew ( cheers guys and girls) cheked the painyt and tryed to resolve this issue and that a more serous out come didn’t happen ....... I would hate to see the masters discontinued due to some team using unsafe paint and the jonny law coming down hard on paintball ..........

Just a few of my thought cheers!!!!!! Majic moo
well said, except maybe the a bigger concern on the masks withstanding the paint is the psyical impact on the player if they get mugged
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