After wieghing up the facts I really should vote NO
But then I do class Sonic is a m8, so I will vote YES in this instance.
think you are contradicting yourself there dark warrior
my vote should count the same as everyone elses
just because my misses plays for sad fa that does`nt make me biased
all she wants to to is play ball the same as all the other ladies on the team
and im sure its the same as you all you wanna do is play as i recall you said that in a post somewhere on these forums
so all ppl are doing know is giving negative response to a team that wants to play ball
now i think that could be called biased
there is no reason why they should`nt play mm
and im sure the marshals would be a lot tougher on them than anyone else as it would be a training issue for them and they will learn from that
thats my 2p worth