TT week format is
week 1 (Practise Week)
Monday-Friday Practise Sessions
Saturday Formula 1 Race (400/600s as well) followed by big parties everywhere.
Mad Sunday (Open road loon day)
week 2 (Race Week)
Monday Wednesday and Friday - Racing (Friday is a Manx Bank Holiday, Senior Race Day)
Saturday - Everyone sods off.
The 2 biggest problems are cost and availability, TT week is THE most expensive time to get on and off the island, also it is chokka (hence they ramp up the costs) so I do not know if TT week would be do-able. If it was, even passing bikers stopping off for a few minutes to watch the games would probably see at least 4-5k spectators during the event at any one time.
As I said though, it isnt something I would even consider doing without the local Paintball player's support, so watch this space...
(this space here)