hay guys
wats going on on sat night, is every one camping out on the tourney grounds or is every one on the camp site not far from it,
so would there be a beer tent or do i need to get in touch with my contacts and order like 10 crates of beer dirt cheep players and i can get loads any way if you want me to get sum beer then post me a reply or ring 07952721039 ..........
any way has any nice person got any directions cuming threw manchester to the comp plzzzzzzzz
does any one no if it is air ball or woodlend thanks peepscya on sat nite jay jay
wats going on on sat night, is every one camping out on the tourney grounds or is every one on the camp site not far from it,
so would there be a beer tent or do i need to get in touch with my contacts and order like 10 crates of beer dirt cheep players and i can get loads any way if you want me to get sum beer then post me a reply or ring 07952721039 ..........
any way has any nice person got any directions cuming threw manchester to the comp plzzzzzzzz
does any one no if it is air ball or woodlend thanks peepscya on sat nite jay jay