Well i can't be friendly and polite forever, looks like im beeing made fun of. I understand you are trying to make this a safe place and everything, but like i said before, i don't think i made those posts in a hurry,and if you did a background check on me, what did you check? what was the reason that made you think i was going to scam people ? just because you saw i made 20 posts in one hour you instantly assumed i was going to scam someone? did you even take the time to read my posts? what was so wrong about them? im pretty sure i even wrote more than 20 posts i was just having fun on the forum, did you even look at my facebook profile? I love everything thats paintball related so i spént some time on the site until i was able to talk to the guy who was selling the gear im looking for, whats so wrong about that? and why on earth would you reset my message count again? how am i going to get known here or get people to trust me if you keep reseting my messge count?.