Cheers Azz, but i'm real fond of the Spyder, it's performed so well over the past couple of months and is accurate as hell!
Tried increasing the velocity, right up on the dialler, and nothing. *Shrugs* It is definitely the case that not enough gas is getting to the bolt, it shredded a few balls, then a few others got puffed lightly out the end, and no recock, so this was on me manually recocking it each time at the Chrono....
Some of the guys from Epoch told me that the when Rit bought his Sonix it did exactly the same thing and they stripped, cleaned and replaced as much as possible, and it never recovered. Guess it's just a Spyder thing....Probably best to send it to Havoc and see what they can do....
Looking forward to breaking the Mag out though
Cheers for the positive comments on 'em....