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Masters feedback


Baller without a willy ;)
Feb 17, 2006
Thanks fella, was a bit miffed at not finishing in the top 3 (lemon :p ) but had such a good day doesnt really matter
Lol, sorry hun :eek: , was quite funny standing at the table with you, with our fingers crossed though, hehe.

Have to say huge thanks to our guests, Lou Lou (you played some awesome ball hun!), Simon (great playing with you again and thanks for the help walking the fields too :D ) and Shelley (way to go girl!! Well deserved player of the day).

Kat, always a pleasure lovely :) and Sarah and Donna, well done. Don't worry about the little problems, you learnt stuff yesterday, which is all good! :D Kelly, we missed playing with you, looking forward to this weekend!

The rest of the Angels and the marshalls, great job as always thank you!! And Terry, great venue all season, can't wait for next year.

Superb to end the season in 2nd place, well chuffed!! :D And chuffed for Cool as Ice too, well done hunnies x

Wendy, you're the best!! We love you :D

Love to all, see you at Campaign! xx


Gone crazy, back soon...
Thanks Wendy for letting us in at the last mo.

I have to say a massive thanks to the Professionals (Mikey, Neal, Steve, Tractor, Olly, Johnny, KC) for putting together a great scratch team. Cheers Mikey for the cool tops....albeit a bit warm (Where'd that weather come from??:p )

Yes we finished fourth and I'm not sure what happened to us when w lost to Nemesis in the afternoon (Cheers guys;) )....all a bit touch and go, still congrats to the Angels....

Thanks to the marshalls and all the teams. Cheers Jon and Chris from LiPs for sorting us with paint. And as always, thanks Wendy for a great days ballin.

One last thing.......I'm real sorry Neal.....I didn't mean to shoot you the head ....Honest :eek:




Brotherhood - Gething
Mar 30, 2004
Thanks to everyone from the masters for a great day - we really enjoyed it!

Thanks to the professionals for a good time, it was great playing with you all!! :D


Active Member
Mar 6, 2006
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Thanks Wendy for letting us in at the last mo.

I have to say a massive thanks to the Professionals (Mikey, Neal, Steve, Tractor, Olly, Johnny, KC) for putting together a great scratch team. Cheers Mikey for the cool tops....albeit a bit warm (Where'd that weather come from??:p )

Yes we finished fourth and I'm not sure what happened to us when w lost to Nemesis in the afternoon (Cheers guys;) )....all a bit touch and go, still congrats to the Angels....

Thanks to the marshalls and all the teams. Cheers Jon and Chris from LiPs for sorting us with paint. And as always, thanks Wendy for a great days ballin.

One last thing.......I'm real sorry Neal.....I didn't mean to shoot you the head ....Honest :eek:


that was a good game we had pnl;y just started gettin into our step we were a scratch team as well lo but had a gr8 day thanks to everyone for an awesome event


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
Div 1 = ....cant remeber

Div 2 = 1st - shazam
2nd - Angels
3rd - Dont panic
4th - The professionals

Th score sheet was quite funny to look at, the pro's as we were a scratch team and never played together lost all our first 3matches, then we pulled our finger out of our ass and got it together only to go on and lose 1 more game

Thanks to all ''the profrssionals'' was an awesome day

Thanks the Dont panic, i think we were like family the amount of times we played you :p

Thanks to wendy awesome days balling

Thanks to everyone who purchased an FB2 hoodie :D

Awesome day :)
I thought it was dvu's that finished joint 3rd with dont panic on the same points an kills an games against each other.

As for the starting slowly an finishing well. Nemeses which was another scratch team due to 4 people pulling out the night before for various reasons an they already had a guest. They lost the first 4 or 5 games of the day an won all the rest including the one against the professionals (the only game you lost in the afternoon) It was just a pity it was too late in the day for them after losing the first few. Sorry Paul it would have been different if i hadnt have done my knee last week an i guested for you like i was gonna. As those fields were great for moving an i could have shown the div2 teams some Northern Hero lovin' ;) :D


Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
South Wales

Had an awesome days balling, great to play for the Angels,nice for them to get a cup, also thanks for the boys from Cool as Ice looking after Sam he really enjoyed it.
Thanks Wendy for an awesome event
DONT DO RAMPING, its only for people who use there fingers for other things
Evil Saints


Cannock Cobras
Thanks Wendy for letting us in at the last mo.

I have to say a massive thanks to the Professionals (Mikey, Neal, Steve, Tractor, Olly, Johnny, KC) for putting together a great scratch team. Cheers Mikey for the cool tops....albeit a bit warm (Where'd that weather come from??:p )

Yes we finished fourth and I'm not sure what happened to us when w lost to Nemesis in the afternoon (Cheers guys;) )....all a bit touch and go, still congrats to the Angels....

Thanks to the marshalls and all the teams. Cheers Jon and Chris from LiPs for sorting us with paint. And as always, thanks Wendy for a great days ballin.

One last thing.......I'm real sorry Neal.....I didn't mean to shoot you the head ....Honest :eek:



yea cheers lads for a great day it was nice to meet you all, after the first few games we did seem to sort our stuff out and to end up 4th after a bad start is exellent.

man dont worry bout the shot in the head (TWICE) lol its a bit sore this morning but hey it happens.

once again thanx for a great day and sorry about missing one game doh



New Member
Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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Was a good day thanks to Nemeses for the games and Jasper for getting in touch with me to let me know good day altogether but with what i was hearing about certain teams and match fixings then thye need a good hard look at themselves if at this level that is the only way you can get a placing :mad:

And to DV'us sorry for beating you in the last game and costing you 2nd i think it was if you had won ;)