So could i ise this https://images.app.goo.gl/htrF5gX6k1Nx4r1n8 it has lenses just mesh everything elseThere are no safety standards for airsoft goggles/masks, the only standard that is used is the impact level, and it doesn’t apply to mesh / mesh does not comply with the impact standard
There is only one brand that states their goggle is safe for airsoft - and that is a ski style goggle with impact protection and an all round seal
In airsoft sites and their insurance require people to use adequate eye protection and for juniors to have full face protection
For paintball there are the international standards with cover impact, all round eye seal and full face ear protection etc
(This is also part of the reason as to why the Angel Eyes have always had difficulty with the large lens structure and hasn’t made it to market)
Mesh eye protection is out of the question for paintball - it will break the ball and the paint will go straight through into your eyes
Mesh face guards don’t meet the safety standards of paintball face protection
Using airsoft types of protection is a step back in time to the 80s when no paintball products existed