If you want teams to marshall, then you have to make it worth their while.
For the same money i can go marshall punters, who generally play by the rules, don't shoot as much paint, only play 8 games, and have breaks between every two games.
at an average cost of £80 per event to play, what i would get paid for marshalling dosn't even cover the cost of playing!
(unless the marshalls are being paid a lot more than i thought).
I'm sure my team would make great marshalls, but i'm not putting them through what the marshalls went through at M25 for a pittance.
Now, i understand Sparklie dosn't have the money to pay for better marshalling, so consider this players; if you want better marshalling, be prepared to pay for it.
We are paying the same price for Sparklie's events as we paid at the Temple a few years back, and they had half the marshalls, and some of the worst facilities ever.
The other thing that is needed is support crews for the marshalls. At Campaign Cup we have to keep the princesses happy with cups of tea, water, and relief crews. Again, all these things cost money, so the players, and Sponsors need to cough up some dough.
It will cost a lot of money to play these events, but if Sparklie reaches her vision, then we won't have to travel across europe to play class events, because they'll be right here in our own back yard.
For the same money i can go marshall punters, who generally play by the rules, don't shoot as much paint, only play 8 games, and have breaks between every two games.
at an average cost of £80 per event to play, what i would get paid for marshalling dosn't even cover the cost of playing!
(unless the marshalls are being paid a lot more than i thought).
I'm sure my team would make great marshalls, but i'm not putting them through what the marshalls went through at M25 for a pittance.
Now, i understand Sparklie dosn't have the money to pay for better marshalling, so consider this players; if you want better marshalling, be prepared to pay for it.
We are paying the same price for Sparklie's events as we paid at the Temple a few years back, and they had half the marshalls, and some of the worst facilities ever.
The other thing that is needed is support crews for the marshalls. At Campaign Cup we have to keep the princesses happy with cups of tea, water, and relief crews. Again, all these things cost money, so the players, and Sponsors need to cough up some dough.
It will cost a lot of money to play these events, but if Sparklie reaches her vision, then we won't have to travel across europe to play class events, because they'll be right here in our own back yard.