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Marshalling for the first time this weekend, any advice?

May 26, 2011
... on a seperate question, what do you guys do when you get a forager e.g. someone who doesn't want to buy more balls, so just picks them up from the field, i normally say that if they do it and the gun breaks, they'll be liable ...:
We explain to them at the beginning of the day that picking up paintballs off of the ground will cause the guns to jam either because they've picked up twigs, small stones etc with the paintballs, or because they've swollen up from the moisture on the ground. We will 'fix' this by emptying their entire hopper out (although we only really do this for repeat offenders).



Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2010
Upper layham, Ipswich
We will 'fix' this by emptying their entire hopper out (although we only really do this for repeat offenders).
Ah we also used to, for repeat offenders, make them empty there hopper out onto a cloth, and sort through, but seriously it can be dangerous, we have had a kid pick up stones and attempt to fire them, fortunately it got stuck, needless to say when he called for help, fully knowing what he was doing well he wasn't playing anymore.

One time we had this lady who was a wanna be Rambo, who got her first 100, and didn't buy anymore, all day, she simply went onto the field after every game collected whatever she could such a Pi$$ take...... on the other hand though have been tipped by one punter once :rolleyes: extra fiver :D


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I think I'd be absolutely ashamed of myself to be seen picking up paintballs .... it would seem some people have no shame; either that or I'm out the loop, which is always a really strong possibility.
If people were really that short of money, I woulda thought they wouldn't be playing in the first place.


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2010
Upper layham, Ipswich
mmmmm i only ever sympathize, if they've bought a reasonable amount, are in a fire fight and run out of ammo and they pick up one ball. picky eh :cool:

and Robbo, the thing is according to her group, she lived like in a camping site or something and foraged for everything, tis annoying though, especially when we already offer free coffee/tea so they don't have to worry about drinks or whatever, and then they still wont spend like a fiver on some extra paint :eek: i think one kid came up one time and was like "how many paintballs can i get for £1" or something, surely people plan these thinks and save up some money in advance, if i was playing punter, i wouldn't really consider going unless i brought like £25 for paint :tsk:


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2010
Upper layham, Ipswich
These are usually the same kids who throw half a pot of paint balls at each other during the lunch break. I have no sympathy.

or share them :')

"here you have 50 ill have 50, and you can pay me back the £2.50 at lunch tomorrow" god, i just laughed whenever i saw that, or the ones who spend all there money for paint on like a pair of armoured gloves, to look cool, and then have no money for paint :rolleyes: the worst game ive ever marshalled or group, was a family of 4, mum dad and there 2 12 year old twins, these kids where the biggest pansies ever, they made a rule with the parents that said the parents couldn't shoot them? does it hurt more when an adult does it :confused: took body armour and a full head mask to get them out :tsk: even though the family spent like £60 i was still disappointed :tsk:


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
"customer is always right" lol you are joking right?

If that was true then

The guy in the center of the field never lifted his mask while 5 people where shooting at him.
That marshall that i can't find has just spilt my hopper of paint. I want 200 for free.
I was stood 10 feet away when i shot him.
I'm not sure why my guns not working (maybe because you have just picked up a week old paintball and tried to shoot it and now it's wrapped around the bolt)

Marshall's are their for safty first and then to help the punters have fun, never get this mixed up. True don't start the day thinking fookem all i'm going to do is bust ass. One day will be perfect with amazing guys\gals and the next day will be so much hard work with warning right left and center.

Just stick to the site rules and use your common sense.

You'll get quotes like i got today

"This is the best paintball site i've ever been too"

"It's amazing!"

"Thank you for such an amazing day"


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2010
Upper layham, Ipswich
mate did you only read that first part :p i basically said after that i followed that until they did something stupid like lift there goggles, and yeah you do get quotes or tips etc. at the end of the day safety = happiness or in a perfect world should :rolleyes: unfortunatly some punters don't see it this way, and even after i smack the goggles on sign and shout "DONT TAKE YOUR GOGGLES OFF FOR ANY REASON ONCE WE GET PAST THIS SIGN" some still do :confused:


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Yea i understand chap i just want to say that punters do lie allot and also don't get the real dangers of paintballs traveling at 280 fps.

I'm off again for another session today. Always nice and busy :D