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Marker effectivness


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Physics, wtf has that got to do with anything???

Everybody knows that low pressure closed bolts fire further than open bolts. Apart from Angels, which according to their owners are the greatest invention ever.

Unless you talk to an impluse owner who will tell you there is nothing faster, more accurate, blah.blah.blah. Bull$hit.blah.blah.

Joe Bob, do yourself a favour, keep playing with the spyder. Maybe add a cheap E-frame or a better standard trigger frame until you have more money and better skills. Then think about buying something better.

The gun cannot improve your game, only you can.
If anyone doubts this is true beat them with a big stick.


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
absolute plod

an object of known mass projected at a known speed will accellerate vertically toward the grown at the same rate no matter what projected it

a paintball fired at 300fps will fall vertically downward at the same velocity no matter what marker shot it.

the vertical acceleration toward the floor has absolutly nothing at all to do with the marker....its GRAVITY 9.8ms^2 (if i remember right)


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
I saw this on TV :) If you fire a paintball straight while at the same time drop a paintball from the same height both hit the floor at the same time :)


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
Originally posted by L1f3
I saw this on TV :) If you fire a paintball straight while at the same time drop a paintball from the same height both hit the floor at the same time :)

it all to do with the horizontal velocity (not velocity not speed) has nothing at all to do with the vertical because they are at 90 degrees to each other......there for if they are falling to the floor at the same speed and they were moving horizonataly at the same speed a ball fired from a spyder will travel the same distance in the same time as one fired from my cocker or one fired from one of dynasties angels


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
Visit site
i think bloody american was on about accuracy more than velocity, so an in accurate spider would be lame for a back player, cos it wouldnt go where you want.
and what about flatline barrels, now they defy the rules of physics.
i think low pressure guns and closed bolts are just more stable in the air, they wont go any further.
my 2p's.


Feb 11, 2002
Planet, 0161
Originally posted by ericostani
i think bloody american was on about accuracy more than velocity, so an in accurate spider would be lame for a back player, cos it wouldnt go where you want.
and what about flatline barrels, now they defy the rules of physics.
i think low pressure guns and closed bolts are just more stable in the air, they wont go any further.
my 2p's.
accuracy is mainly due to barrel/paint match but is affected by pressures due to 'wobble' as a paintball is not solid it changes shape as it fires.
flatlines accutally use backspin to make the ball bounce on a cushion of air, cant really explain it without diagrams tho...is kinda like when you skim a flat stone on a lake


New Member
I'd always thought the flatline forces backspin on a ball in order to create lift, as in the Bernouli principle of an object with a higher air pressure below it then above will be lifted. W/ backspin, the air under the ball is moving, relative to the ball, at a higher speed, the sum of the velocity of the ball in the direction of motion and the rotational velocity of the ball, where the air above the ball is moving, again relative to the ball, slower because the rotational velocity of the top of the ball is on an opposite vector and therefore an opposite sign then the velocity of the ball in the direction of motion. Thus, the air below the ball has a higher relative speed than the air above the ball, the air pressure is lower on top and the ball is lifted, the same as the wings on a fixed wing aircraft, or the rotors on a helicopter. With an open bolt gun, the bolt slams the ball foreward as it fires, so if the ball drags inside the gun and begins to spin in any direction, if it exits the gun still spinning it will be "lifted" in whichever direction the axis of rotation lies on, which is why greasy paint curves off, because its drag forces it to spin unpredictably and be lifted in any given direction. Closed bolt and low pressure systems are simply gentler on the ball, they don't apply as much force to get the ball to seal inside the barrel and therefore there is a lesser chance of a spin developing.

In a resistance free environment, balls fired from a stingray, spyder, angel, or slingshot at the same velocity in the same direction will ALL follow the same path, but its the higher end markers/barrels that allow the ball to be propelled without unnecessary spin, but if you use fairly clean paint and have a good barrel match, then even on a wal mart special you can eliminate the problem of spin.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Was that absolute plod directed at me Jahlad?
If so I quite agree, I was taking the pi$$!

Why is it that everytime someone asks a question about a barrel, range, accuracy etc. that we go through the same things!

ITS BORING!!!!! :p :rolleyes: :mad: