Woaaahhh, hang on mate, look at the quote above from your good self, I dont see an honest and polite inquiry as to why a team didnt help, I dont even see a question to the team or anybody, what I do see is a blatant dig at a team on a public forum.man, if only everyone saw the big temple go into the netting we had been putting up for the last 3 days in the boiling heat, watching it knock a whole side down, and for us to have to make it stay, and for Storm, just to stand on the field, doing F*** all to help except watch as 8 people attempt to hold a whole side of netting up, thanks alot guys
If you did just want to know why, ask at the event, or if you havent got the balls to go up to them, pm them on here, that would save all this.
And you havent exactly said `thanks for the explanation, I accept it lets moive on`
i was holding some scaffolding up, waiting for the others to get the tower so we could secure it, and storm WERE there, waiting to walk fields, and we secured the scaffolding, whilst all of us were cursing at storm. then yes, you were asked to help set up the rps field, as not many of the fields were even close to being set up due to events earlier in the day, delaying the site building.
I could continue...if i arrive at any paintball event and find something i can do to help out so it runs ok and gets set up, i will help.
football cannont be compared to this,they have 100's of people setting events with a helluva lot more money going into wages, whereas we have 8 people setting this up, the scaffolding cannot possibly be blamed on sparklie, as she used these scaffolers last leg and the netting was, with the lack of a better word, perfect!
i have now been asked to stop by some witnesses, as its pointless arguing cos obviously u will defend yourselves etc..... who is the main spokesperson for storm rookies? i have a bone to pick with them