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M25 Results!!

The Mighty Dwarf

paintball whore
Nov 10, 2002
UK hertfordshire
Re Team Zone - this was actually our first tournament as a team we had three member of the team that have never played a tournament. 2 of our players have a bit of experience and the other two have played a few times. All we have been doing the last four months is training in the indoor at l.p.s in Hertfordshire, it is a really tight field so everybody had to learn to play really tight apart from that we have watched other teams play and tried to do what they have done or failed at. For us it was a good day and we may just fall flat on our faces at the next event. If you think about the Feral Jesters these guys have been around for donkeys and have played abroad. As for the other teams, I know that impact had the game over within seconds. All I have asked from each member of the team is to watch what you guys do and either learn from any mistakes or do as you do. I believe our success came from the team not any individuals because we went on to the field with one attitude we wanted your flag no matter how much paint we had to put at you.

We watched, we learned, we trained hard... that is all it takes.

If we win, again we could ask to see if we could be moved up a division but why do we have teams that have been around donkeys playing in our division. We are not bothered it made us work harder for the flag as every other team did that day.

Thanks to sparklie and all the marshals for a great day.

P.s we are looking for teams that like to train to train against if any are interested.


No Limit Bridgend
Jan 2, 2002
Cardiff/ Epsom
from what i say of u, team zone u should be in the div above, or have a chance, there was a team, carnt remember the name that i think lost every game, may have won one in div 3.

The Mighty Dwarf

paintball whore
Nov 10, 2002
UK hertfordshire
all we want to do is play a game. thats all its about do not forget there is another 5 legs of this to play and its a funny old game you guys actually gave us the nerves when you apeared with all your matching tops etc, we thought oh **** we are going to get whooped. so we played as tight. do not forget there was a team that did not show that again could have change the results. anyway look forward to meeting you guys again. I even went and bought myself a new marker yesterday. got myself an IR3 its a babe

Anyway mate with all the write ups we have read about you Skulls should have walk it, so do not be down hearted mate you will probably piss on us next time. You have been voted a f**king good team.


No Limit Bridgend
Jan 2, 2002
Cardiff/ Epsom
yeah learning cerve for us, most of us met the night before, and hadn't played with eachother, my marker burst a seal, game over so hopefully it goes better for me next time.

The Mighty Dwarf

paintball whore
Nov 10, 2002
UK hertfordshire
thats one thing we do not do mate is play with each other:D lol. and god luck to you lot and may the best team win.. my thought are in our divison

winners impact
they are damn good..

where are you guys from if near by do you want to train with us some time as we get bored shooting each other


No Limit Bridgend
Jan 2, 2002
Cardiff/ Epsom
yeah they were good, did u beat wolf? we did :D . Need a new lpr or front block, bit of a pain. We train at mayhem in essex, you'd have 2 e-mail my captin, or pm him, hes called charlie, on this forum, give him a pm.


Mar 12, 2003
'in ya face baby!'
Originally posted by ally
old pre 2k cocker. pm my captin. And in that game my captins cocker bloke:D so he had 1 ball in the chamber 2 bunker someone:D
get yourselves an X-Mag they are trouble free and kin fast!!!:D :D


Active Member
And at times the fatest way to turn paint to gloupe ! I know there awsome when working but just not reliable enough.

On the Zone promotion thing, Ally, you mentioned kit going down. I know in one game the jesters had 4 guns down. (and look where they finnished) We had ONE go down all tourny. We train hard and ensure our kits working so these 'variables' are reduced thereby leveing our ball to do the talking ! It did so this round but as the entry increases as will the number of teams above us both. At least 3 storm teams and 2 Jags teams would be ranked above us ! plus numourus others. This means that even in a 2 up 2 down senario once a 're-seed' is done with the new enterance we could still be in the bottom division. Trust us in that we have no wish to be 'sandbaging' but we don't make the rankings. All we can do is play our ball and progress as the series structure lets us ! Hopefully that means as we gel as a team we can progress up the divisions and find the point we settel. Untill then we will just play whoever is at the other end ans attempt to beat them all ! Although if the spanking we got of impact is anything to go by I hope we get a chance at a 2nd shot at div 4 ! (at least once anyway !)