Big thanks to Illusion for giving me chance to spend my Sunday the only way it should be spent.
Congratulations to Sparklie and the team for doing something positive instead of just sitting round moaning about the lack of events down south.
Only had one real issue all day - goggles off in the playing area
This was a very public event in an excellent venue and a lot of organisation went in to setting it up.
It would only take one person being injured to ruin all this and venues like this won't be available again.
A marshal bollocking players for discharging their markers AFTER the 30 second count because he hasn't got his goggles on isn't acceptable.
Players can't be expected to follow safety rules if those supposed to be enforcing them do so only when it suits them
Finally, and on a positive note, thanks to Raven for fielding 5 men (and even refusing the loan of one of ours - not sure what that meant
) just so that we could get a game after we had travelled the 3 1/2 hrs down there.
Cheers guys
Congratulations to Sparklie and the team for doing something positive instead of just sitting round moaning about the lack of events down south.
Only had one real issue all day - goggles off in the playing area
This was a very public event in an excellent venue and a lot of organisation went in to setting it up.
It would only take one person being injured to ruin all this and venues like this won't be available again.
A marshal bollocking players for discharging their markers AFTER the 30 second count because he hasn't got his goggles on isn't acceptable.
Players can't be expected to follow safety rules if those supposed to be enforcing them do so only when it suits them
Finally, and on a positive note, thanks to Raven for fielding 5 men (and even refusing the loan of one of ours - not sure what that meant
Cheers guys