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M25 Pics?

Bunka Monky

New Member
Oct 2, 2002
aint got a scooby doo mate its the first ive heard of it? our teams recieved fair play award at a sparklie tourney before n i personally pride myself on fair play along with my team. im not gonna call anyone a lier but i doubt it happened


New Member
Apr 11, 2003
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It happened

Myself, plus the editor of PGI and a handful of Campaign Power and Nexus guys, plus a few assorted spectators, all saw it and it was unequivocal mate - the guy wiped, then played on.

I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't 100% sure of what we saw.


Fair dos - only takes one player to get the rest of your team an undeserved bad reputation.


i'm with ure mom
Jun 16, 2003
sheep land
well i hope so as this is giving the team a bad name!!!

i do hope it is a one off especially as so many people seem to have seen it and as for the bonus balling already had this discussion ,

the player in question was walking away agreed but slowely and i must say the player gulity was at the back of the field and unaware of the player being out as arm band was still on and arm was raised after 5-10 balls had been launched.

and yeah dan u know we dont want to be getting a bad rep so we need to find out who it was innit ???

anyway have good one and see u all in the middle att the next one as i missed the last one else we'd have come first like lmfaopmpl


big big titties
well i hope so as this is giving the team a bad name!!!

Originally posted by jinx76
i do hope it is a one off especially as so many people seem to have seen it and as for the bonus balling already had this discussion ,

the player in question was walking away agreed but slowely and i must say the player gulity was at the back of the field and unaware of the player being out as arm band was still on and arm was raised after 5-10 balls had been launched.

and yeah dan u know we dont want to be getting a bad rep so we need to find out who it was innit ???

anyway have good one and see u all in the middle att the next one as i missed the last one else we'd have come first like lmfaopmpl
just to say, this was my team (bad taste) 6 of us were in the dead box and he had just been hit from the left on the snake on the rps field. he put his hand up and walked off, when 5 foot away from bunker with the marshall next to him, he got at least 5 balls in his back. then more was launched as we heard them and we all started to get shot to **** in the dead zone and about another 20 balls hit the player AND marshall


Go get a wee-mee!
Oct 30, 2002
Docklands, London
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More to the point, it was me! :(

Having been flanked from the snake and taken out fair and square, I put my arm up and walked away from my bunker.

I didn't know the rule was to put my hand on my head (only one field all day told us this rule, so I was still going by the "look like you're out" approach of holding one arm up).

Whilst I was walking I was DEFINITELY shot a few more times - yes I was walking slow-ish, but then since I was the last one out what was I supposed to do? Race them back to my flag? :D

Anyway, it was my left arm up and I was walking from the back right I thought nothing much of it, and just spun round enough to see it WAS NOT someone from the back, but some dude on the 50. Ok, fair enough, if he didn't think I was out then, he certainly does now.

As I got to the deadbox, I dropped my arm and held it out to the Marshall to remove my armband. As I did so another barrage of shots came my way, some of which hit the marshall, and several of which BOUNCED off my other arm. They hurt like F*CK, and I think I probably said words to that effect ;)

Amusingly, the marshall joked and said "I don't care if he hit you more than once, but now he's hit me that takes the biscuit, I've already told him you're eliminated. :mad:

Bunker Imp

Dye Paintball
Apr 24, 2003
ive been talking to liz and sparklie and i may do the videos properly at the next legs so no netting is in the way as for price i am only charging the cost of the video. why? you ask is because i love paintball and want to do all i can to help teams improve. this sport is going to go far and i want to be there when it does :) . dan from residue dogs m8 your a good freind there is no point arguing if your guy did cheat then he probably wont do it again. Theres no point arguing over nothing that really matters, after all its just a game:p .