Originally posted by sjt19
I think the award should go to your entire team.........You guys (freaks) didnt help the schedule on one of the fields, we were all waiting to go on against the Tigers, when we were told that there was a game on before us. No problem we thought, we would just wait. Only one of the two teams was not there.........and only turned up after 5 minutes of PA announcing and marshalls calling their name......... . Where were they when they should have been on the field.......only sitting the other side of the netting, chatting away oblivious to the delay they caused. they were sitting a massive 5 feet away from the field.....
Was this at the start of the day? If it was it was because we were sent to firstly the first Chrono Station, then after we got to our field we were told to go to the 2nd Chrono Station, we were there for a good 15 minutes waiting to get Chronoed for our FIRST EVER GAME EVER and no one had a clue what was going on.
If this was near the end of the day again this was not our fault, I believe it was another team who, about 2 games before us didn't turn up, it then progressed to the next game and ours was supposed to be next, we were ready to go when the Marshalls called for the other team who had missed it to have the game that had been skipped. Then we stupidly thinking that it would NOW be our turn started getting ready only to see that the game AFTER us was going ahead... now forgive me if I am mistaken but how was that our fault?
We were there about 30 minutes early to EVERY one of our games... we are sorry about the first one but it was our very first game and a) we didn't know what to do and b) it didn't look like anyone else did either!
So no we don't deserve the award... we were just unfortunate! LOL
Twisty however should definatly get some sort of marksmanship award for getting that close to Ally's nuts!

It must of been one hell of a shot!