Why would alex ferguson reff?? oh yea thats right, there are reffs that get paid decent money as there job, silly me.
We don't have that luxury in our sport so be happy with what we got. And what you got is good ! Seems like you have an issue but others seem to be fine with it?? Maybe because they want to play paintball. You know the thing that doesn't happen much in winter. Oh that's right lets tell them not to bother to keep us playin over the winter months or please do because there isn't an issue ! At the very least it can be solved with talking !
I have reffed a masters event with scott and he is a great head reff ! Even when the team he plays for played that event it was not biased in any way. ( I think they came 3rd but sshhhhhs) Blates evidence of match fixing like rooneys dad !! tut tut. Oh look there i go with a non relevant comparison. Go me !
Threads like this piss me off, im this im that in your face blah blah. There is enough trash talking going on in general so please don't add to it when it can be solved by contacting scott with your issues. Or if your not comfortable contacting scott, why not the organiser of the event. Thats what I would do if I had a problem. Yep i deffo would. Not type it on a thread that is asking about the event ??!!
Why not just bring it up at the next event if your playing it, wow maybe even better send a pm scott with your concerns but please don't write all this crap. It will achieve nothing more that pointless post like mine included wasting space.
If you don't like somthing, then ask. (see how im repeating myself, thats so at every moment you are thinking of a reply to my message you like hang on he is repeating himself)
So how was the mpl ?? was the field good to play ?? What was the layout? how many teams turned up?? was the turnaround quick ? did you play any points where you turned around a 5 4 3 2 1 on 1 ??? any funny moments, slips, fails ?? you know actually about the event ??
This would be nice to hear, about paintball, you know the thing we do where we wake up a stupid o clock and spend all our money on.