Can't put a number on the efficiency mate as mainly used at CPPS and didn't run out of air or count all the balls shot but did notice that it usually had less air at the end of a game than my dm12 and geo3 for the same number of pods shot. Big plus was at the 7-man was the air was up at 4k so efficiency wasn't even a concern then. With all the modern markers I am beginning to think that the most important thing is the ergonomics of the marker and how well it suits you personally. I have shot various markers and they have all proved accurate and reliable from a PMR, Mini, Ego, geo, DM and luxe. It's just for me personally the luxe feels a little more instinctive when I use it but this may be due to the wider stance and the fact I spent years playing pump so the wider stance feels more natural to me. Other markers with a wider stance may also suit my style but not tried them. I know everyone always says try a marker for yourself rather than go off opinions but with the reliability and consistency of all modern markers this is genuinely the best advice.
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