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Lord Of The Rings...????


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
yup, I'll give that a miss........ more of a cave troll really. What we really need is posh spice, she'd make a great golum.

Her voice is a bit too irritating though, and she'll need to put on weight.


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Jan 8, 2004
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Hi all,

Just to give you some idea of how were planing to run the game. (Please keep in mind that some of plans might change over the next month)

There is going to be 6 different factions:

Riders of Rohan

Ring Wairths

Split between these factions will be 11 main Characters

Gandalf the Grey (Taken)
Gimley (Taken)

Lord of the Wairths
Captin of the Uruk-hai
The Cave Troll

Gollum - (this character for the moment will be a non-playing character simply because no one in there right mind would want to go out againt 150 people wearing just a grey neoprene wet suit).

Only 2 of the characters have already been taken, but I will be talking to the people who dressed up for last years UKPSF Big game (John Bonage, Errol, Guppy and Dangerous Brain ) to see if they would be interested in playing some of the characters.

I've also been told that the free BBQ on the Satuarday naight will be in keeping with the Lord Of the Rings theme (Pig on a spit).

Any problems just send me or Profphil94 an email.


okay I'm having trouble trying to come to terms with whats going on here. Sorry to get all beardy but LOTR has been one of my passions for ages.

1. Why are the elves a faction, at the time of the films they are actually a civilisation in decline and most of them are packing thier gear up for the cruise westwards thier only contribution was at the defence of helms deep.
Wouldn't it be better to replace the elves with the fellowship and meat them out a bit with the addition of Arwin and Elrond. This would give you nine people in this faction. which is the same size as the ring wraith faction [whose captain is the Witchking of Angmar]

2. Why is Sauron a character? In the films he has no physical presence, as he is waiting for the ring to be returned so he can return to the mortal world instead of just being an eye atop the black tower.

3. Captain of the Uruk-Hai is called Lutz. [usless information I know]

4.Tell me to piss off but I think your character make up is all wrong. you are basing your main good guys on the fellowship. When you should be using the major charaters from the film who are in charge of the factions concerned. IE use the King of the Rohan, King of Gondor etc.
Personally I would remove the cave troll as a character as they are fairly common and replace it with the Balrog. This way you can manufacturer a confrontation between the Balrog and Gandalf at some point.

Just my 2p worth


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Jan 8, 2004
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whoa hang on guys! just to stop everyone bombarding my e-mail box and so everyone understands i'm not just asking John & Co. only about playing all the main characters for LOTR, I was going to ask most of them if they would be interested in playing one or two of the main charcters for one of the factions (e.g. John could play Lord of the Wraiths and the rest could play the ring wraiths) like they did at the UKPSF Big game. The fact is that most of the main characters will be made up from friends and others that I have already discussed this with.

As for the mothod choosing which faction people will play for, that will be decided later.

I just need everyone to to be patient since we have only just been given the go a head to do this, so I am trying to get this all sorted as quickly as possible.

On another note


Thanks very much for the input that was very useful.