oops o-rings dont come with the spares kit i dont think, however the tech guy at the cpps will have some but this leak isnt going to effect the marker it could well be the o-ring on my bottle thats leaking but i havnt tried it with a different bottle so im not 100% sure so i just mentioned it anyway.
The difference between the 2 boards is £100+ if you bought one new and around £40+ second hand, the functional difference is pretty big, because its an OLED screen as opposed to a matrix screen on the standard and its completely programmable right down to the finest detail however ultimately it will not change the function of the gun it's more of a prefference thing if you have the extra cash for it to be honest.
But yea as said in my thread the condition of this marker plus the extras i can not do for £250, the gun it'self is maybe worth £270 on its own but i do need the money so i will do it for £250 mate.