We are a paintball club playing woodsball scenarios roughly once a month on what was the Major Day site just north of Glasgow.
We are strictly mag/fed limited paint. See below for rules
We host mag fed/limited paint days.
Barrel sock/blocker on at all times, except whilst in play of course.
No excuses, safety first.
£10.00 per person green fee, which entitles you to play and get one air tank filled.
There is a limited paintball rule, this is to help keep cost down for the player and negate the advantage a hopper fed player has over a mag fed player.
Mag fed markers, no limit on qty of magazines you carry.
Mechanical fed markers with gravity fed hopper is limited to 100 paintballs per person per game.
Electronic markers with gravity fed hoppers are limited to 70 paintballs per person per game.
280 f.p.s. site limit for every marker.
Hoppers/loaders with electronic capability forbidden.
Full auto forbidden.
First strike/shaped projectile paintballs forbidden.
Always looking for new players.
For more info contact Doug on 07800 766666 or look up Major Day Paintball on Facebook where you can contact him through Facebook messenger.