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Looking for a 'cocker builder/tech head to service/build me a new toy


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
£17.50 usually on a cocker rebuilt/service/set up + shipping (£7.95 next day insured), or free shipping if returned with an order.

Edit: It's a standard fee for the time + orings. And if you want to save money, you can send more than one. Every extra 30min will be charged £8.75. Usually I don't spend more than half an hour per marker for servicing, unless the marker needs much more than a normal repair. (Test, and sweet spot isn't subject to labour fee).
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Jun 27, 2011
Hi Bill,
I do the teching at Justpaintball.
I don't know if you have ever met myself, i used to work previous for shop-paintball.com in France, where i was doing the tech support, while being student since 2003 or so. Then moved to Just in 2009 i believe.
I also worked for Dye and Planet at various Milleniums (as a tech).
I'm not sure how to show you I can service / sweetspot a marker, but feel free to come and have a chat whenever you are at a Justpaintball stand. ;)
Hey Thib! I have just returned back home from my holiday so please don't think I wasn't ignoring you :(
I shall send my marker to you next month on payday ^^
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