hahaha, i knew someone would say something about the fact that i wrote "screwed one to many times"! but anyway, Skeet you got any idea of the barrel o-ring size? Cheers, Chris
yeah i will have to admit to being as thick as sh*te and not knowing what that means..... in terms of mm, the diameter of it? maybe i'll understand then hehe
barrel oring....we use a size 16 on em at work....should fit most any barrel, the size doesnt really matter to be honest as its not there to make an air tight fitting, any that will go on will do the trick
so do i just go up to the dude in the shop and ask "can i have an 019/70 o-ring please?" and what is that in mm across? it's not my fault i don't understand!
when you ask for a specific oring you might ask for a 016 nbr 70
the first number (016 in this case) is the size of oring (not quite sure on the unit of measure to be honest but tom will know)......the nbr 70 refers to the hardness off the material its made of...the higher the number the stiffer it is.