Paintball on TV will probably end up very different to how paintballers would want it to be. TV execs do not care about paintball or what paintballers want, they care about entertainment as that means audience growth which obviously means money.
Ironically it's hard to see paintball working on TV as long as paintballers are anywhere near the driving seat...worrying about format, branding etc. With the amount of editing required paintball on tv is already becoming more of a show than a sport, and these are the early days.
Not that the above has to be a bad thing, infact (that's right - fact) Ultimate Fighting Champions is now eclipsing the viewing ratings of NBA, NHL and MLB in the states by a helluva lot. Just goes to show.. Pete's central field cage fighting idea isn't far off the mark and could lead to big things. Extreme Bloodball anybody? I think the name alone beats the one below.
Anyhoo, I hope they have put as much effort into this show as they did with brand placement in their last attempt...which ended up looking more like an SP infomercial. At least the title gets it in there subliminally though...
'Smart Parts World Paintball Championships'