yeah agreed as with any marker, i wasn't having a dig at infernos, i was just wanted to know what markers they were. as theres a delta force in my area and they use them.
delta force have a stand thingy in my local shopping centre, selling tickets and stuff. got caught by one guy once at lakeside shopping centre. all i said was no thinks mate i play walk ons and i own my own gear and the paints cheap,ect ect, when i told him what i pay for paint he couldnt beleve it. but he didnt know about walk ons, only the punter joe public deals.
he didnt know that much considering he was tying to sell tickets ect.then he started asking me questions about the marker that he had on the table(inferno),spent about 30 mins chating to him about markers, performance ect, he said to me you should work for us ud sell lots of tickets, i laughed and said yeah prob, i was unemployed at the time too.