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kyles such a poser

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Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
hey, that was a calm response but there was no need for such arrogance, i tell you what we'll settle this on the field! when kyle goes to rich's sup air at penkridge dave or oddjob and kyle can meet in the middle with just a hopper and a marker of their choice if kyle shoots him out he s got to take a picture of a kid holding his marker and post it! if he shoots out kyle i'll remove the link off the thread!
i think thats fair what do you say dave? oddjob?
Hey, that's more than fair. I think Kyle stands a good chance, with his revvy and lots of velocities. I'd love to see the pic of Kyle holding somone's gun. No, seriously, I would. It'd be good if you could put a post up, with the pic of Kyle with Oddjob's gun linked in, and absolutely no explaination of what it is. Then you could get all pissy when someone asks you what you're going on about.

I realise the beat down is over and done with, but I'd like to get my metaphorical "kick to the ribs" in. I'm in two minds as to whether to click "submit reply" but I've typed all this now, and it's a shame to see it go to waste.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
People get defensive about there kids huh...

Nothing like making them proud ...

I take it thats a perm Mr Gasmaster.

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