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Kneepads that stay put.....


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
For what it's worth - I'm 5'11" and 13stone. God knows the brand of the ones I'm using (they're pretty worn out...)

After the amusement of my teamates when I turned up wearing braces to hold my playing trousers up whilst crawling, I may just get myself a suspender belt.... :)
LOL, Give you an idea i am a few inches shorter and a stone lighter but my knee pads are a large due to the years of cycling. I guess it will come down to your build? I would guess you would need a med or large. I would go for knee pads that have adjustable straps top and bottom and not ones that you slide over your knees.

I would go for something like these.

But not these.

or the suspender belt.


Ricki diego - Evil Twin
Jul 29, 2012
I use proto's. I'm also into snowboarding and the knee pads they use are pretty much exactly the same. I have had so many Knee pads throughout my years and have never found ones that stay put for me. Until I purchased Proto Paintball Defender Knee Pads. I use these for snowboarding as well now lol. When these wear out I'm going to buy exactly the same ones.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2012
I use proto's. I'm also into snowboarding and the knee pads they use are pretty much exactly the same. I have had so many Knee pads throughout my years and have never found ones that stay put for me. Until I purchased Proto Paintball Defender Knee Pads. I use these for snowboarding as well now lol. When these wear out I'm going to buy exactly the same ones.
how much were they?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
Yes, they were pictures picked off the internet to show the difference between the 2 types of pads out there, pads with adjustable straps and the pull up ones made from neoprene or elastic, which after a few too many washes they many fall down when the elastic goes. Where the adjustable ones you can just do up tighter. It was just by chance I picked the ones Ricki does have any problems with, but I guess it comes down to when you are using them for snowboarding they dont get covered in paint or mud as much and stay fairly clean.


Ricki diego - Evil Twin
Jul 29, 2012
Use them for both p balling and on snow. gets washed after every game along with the rest of the kit. No probs yet. :) . It's a matter of trying different styles on really. As we all have different shaped knees! Strap ones I've never got the hang off as they've alwways ended up twisted the other way around for me.