Originally posted by F3Z
HAHAHA, Gaz only one thing your forgetting here pal, i wasnt on the field when you did your super hero thang. P.S bring it on
Nah...was Big Si, other Si...and Colin or Keith...I forget...however...you were on teh team when we done you all at teh 5 Man.
Originally posted by lovelottie1
hello again,how you all been? who is gaz?he seems to think hes the best lol
How do I possibly come across as thinking I am the best?
I'm getting slated here...am I not supposed to defend myself and my team, when people are saying untruths?
You will learn, Lottie, if I may call you Lottie...that much said on here, is bravado and poo stirring...I however, dont tend to poo stir, or "give it the bigun'"...I simply tell it how it is or indeed, was...
I am certainly not "The Best" when it comes to paintball...Rifle shooting (another hobby) I am good at, and have worked bloody hard to be able to say that...then there are other things, that some have said I am "the best" at...but F3Z has allready touched on that subject...so I shall digress no further