Robbo, firstly my opinions are my own and no one elses.
i do accept i did miss a tiny bit of grammar in the above sentence but it has been a long day.
the victim of rape is the person being raped. the rapist should never be given an easy way out. the rapists should live a big brother lifestyle, being watched and monitored throughout life, the victim has to live with it. if they as much as walk down the wrong road bring em back to jail.
A lot of prisoners are remorseful and cant live with the consequences of what they have done and are more than willing to accept this, granted in equal amounts they dont care. i in no way said that i would be letting them off, they are going to serve time, they are going to be monitored upon release, however in todays prisons brutal beatings are not common place, albeit they should. management structures are not what they used to be, there are cameras everywhere and with the do-gooder solicitors robbing tax payers money to provide legal aid in and out of prison it is easier to chop out the "rogue" officers than to fund the processes of courts and compensation claims that do, to frequently, happen. ask any governor, solicitor, judge, barrister or high court judge, the purpose of a prison sentence is to remove their liberty from them.
if i was in charge of a prison, i firstly wouldnt be giving the knuckleheads access to a gym 6 days a week, or social visits where they can hold hands and cuddle. i totally agree that the prisons are to soft but compared to other prison systems we dont do to bad. north american jails are violent and ruthless but their re-offending rates are far higher than ours. many lifer prisoners who do not admit what they did do not leave prison until they accept it and do the relevant sentence plan, i have seen a person receive 11 years when they were 19 and said person is now pushing 55 and is still in prison due to denial. so keep the person locked up. sod em
i totally agree that a prison is only a deterrent to a minority of prisoners, this minority will not return, a small minority will try not to return and a vast majority will return. career criminals are used to the system and use it as a source of income. i argue that a bit of fear in prison is what is needed to stop people coming back but again history has shown this does not always work. the UK prison system is aimed around rehabilitation the punishment is the removal of liberty by entering one.
i do accept i did miss a tiny bit of grammar in the above sentence but it has been a long day.
the victim of rape is the person being raped. the rapist should never be given an easy way out. the rapists should live a big brother lifestyle, being watched and monitored throughout life, the victim has to live with it. if they as much as walk down the wrong road bring em back to jail.
A lot of prisoners are remorseful and cant live with the consequences of what they have done and are more than willing to accept this, granted in equal amounts they dont care. i in no way said that i would be letting them off, they are going to serve time, they are going to be monitored upon release, however in todays prisons brutal beatings are not common place, albeit they should. management structures are not what they used to be, there are cameras everywhere and with the do-gooder solicitors robbing tax payers money to provide legal aid in and out of prison it is easier to chop out the "rogue" officers than to fund the processes of courts and compensation claims that do, to frequently, happen. ask any governor, solicitor, judge, barrister or high court judge, the purpose of a prison sentence is to remove their liberty from them.
if i was in charge of a prison, i firstly wouldnt be giving the knuckleheads access to a gym 6 days a week, or social visits where they can hold hands and cuddle. i totally agree that the prisons are to soft but compared to other prison systems we dont do to bad. north american jails are violent and ruthless but their re-offending rates are far higher than ours. many lifer prisoners who do not admit what they did do not leave prison until they accept it and do the relevant sentence plan, i have seen a person receive 11 years when they were 19 and said person is now pushing 55 and is still in prison due to denial. so keep the person locked up. sod em
i totally agree that a prison is only a deterrent to a minority of prisoners, this minority will not return, a small minority will try not to return and a vast majority will return. career criminals are used to the system and use it as a source of income. i argue that a bit of fear in prison is what is needed to stop people coming back but again history has shown this does not always work. the UK prison system is aimed around rehabilitation the punishment is the removal of liberty by entering one.