problem is that its comin upto Xmas, and its the same every year, folk sell their markers for absolutely bugga all - cuz they can't afford to play at this time of year, or don't wanna get cold and wet !
The price of new markers i.e Proto's Rail @ £152 is daft, and has affected everybodies equipment price * and b4 you all shout, I know an A1 and the Rail are completely different classes, but hey - why shell out £600 on a marker, if you're only gonna use it a couple of times ?
I've seen plenty of A1's on this very forum, sell for £300, so don't be offended when you get offers around that mark, I have 2 Angels, a Speed 06 *custom anno job n stuff* and a G7 Fly. They are worth DIDLY SQUAT, these days, compared to what I paid for them.
I personally
would'nt pay more than £300 for the marker, as alot of players are now getting
quite silly sponsorship marker deals, with their teams.
Sorry, if the mods, think this is off the mark, and nowt to do with the thread,
but I think it is.
See everybody on the fields NEXT YEAR !