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Jenna Removed Tell what you think!!!


VW's are the game
Alright lets have a vote here. Including the other Moderators...

In an e-mail conversation (Name Here) said "You should be more concerned about showing womens tits. (Edited here) surely young kids interested in paintball will be discouraged from
using this site by concerned parents. speak to the higher ups about this please."

Now do you really think that my avatar was that lude? I think I asked in past if anyone felt it was. Also I feel children and their parents have more to worry about than Cleavage in my past avatar. Not to hurt anyone's feelings I have removed it to prevent further problems in better judgement for our much love P8ntballer Community!

Note info inside ( ) removed for the privacy of the other e-mailer.:D


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
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Not particulary bothered one way or the other although must admit, as a 'chick-baller' if had i been visiting the site for the first time your previous avatar may have made me wary of you!! Stick to biohazard it's soooo much better! I would agree with the e-mailer that if a young baller (say 10 or 12 yrs old) was using the site & Mum walked in on it the Mum may have reservations. One avatar wouldnt really make much difference but if some of the other guys followed suit... Seem to recall you got flamed a while ago for your unedited avatar, pre biohazard days! You just can't please some people! ;)


VW's are the game

Originally posted by guppy
as a 'chick-baller' if had i been visiting the site for the first time your previous avatar may have made me wary of you!! One avatar wouldnt really make much difference but if some of the other guys followed suit... Seem to recall you got flamed a while ago for your unedited avatar, pre biohazard days! You just can't please some people! ;)
Guppy you caught me "LEWD" is the correct spelling I believe! :D

Now your totally correct about being wary of me...
There are other Avatars that I have seen MUCH worse than mine...
Don't remember being Flamed for Jenna in the past! What's done is done and she is no longer....

Do you guys think that P8ntballer should set guidelines for the selection of your Avatar?

styles mugger

Jan 14, 2002
In my head, NOOOOO!!!!!!!
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Originally posted by TheRo0sTer

In an e-mail conversation (Name Here) said "You should be more concerned about showing womens tits.

Now do you really think that my avatar was that lude?
Wot Tits?oh u mean the top 3/4 worth of?u see more on tv in primetime really,also i remember a while ago in PGI for about 4 issues there was 2 ads in each issue show FAR MORE , it was the Bruiser guns i think & they were minging like 4month dead dogs apart from the blonde copper who was decent.
If Jenna goes then ud have to sort out janfhi24's
(confused: i know i got the lads name wrong)with the bird dancin
while coverin here nice body with cream in a large glass bowel.

KEEP JENNA,shes harmless
at the age groups & schools teach sex ed at these ages meantioned above! The older people wont know that.


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
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Rooster, what does spelling matter...lude rude lewd rewd whatever! I think all the pornography has dulled your brain!!
I meant your current avatar before you added the 'biohazard' wording. Some folks got upset about the baby holding your marker i recall?? maybe i'm wrong.

Styles my pal! us older ballers arent completely out of touch with young culture y'know....my 15yr old son quite happily discusses porn with me and watches the adult channels...i'm quite broad minded y'know. Better to know than not to is my philosophy!;)


VW's are the game
Guppy I remember now some W-Ancker flamed me in an E-mail! I hope you didn't take offense to the "you caught me" line. I just didn't catch the spelling error before I posted it. "All that pornagraphy" I am ashamed you think I am a scum bag..:( Now I must go into hiding and never return. Your input is much needed because you do see it from a ballers perspective and Mothers perspective. One other thing TheRo0sTer is harmless!:D ;) Ask Sparklie she has met me.:D


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
Visit site
Originally posted by TheRo0sTer
I am ashamed you think I am a scum bag. TheRo0sTer is harmless!:D ;)
Rooster i never said i thought you were a scum bag!! No offence taken btw! I'm sure you're a sweetie really! Glad you value my input (for what it's worth!)
To tell the truth when Jenna first appeared i copied her to paintbrush, put a sensible top on her & was going to post her as my avatar with a 'that's better' note but my pc crashed, it was late & i couldn't be bothered again!!
btw, What's baby's name?