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Is tournament paintball heading in the right direction?


Aug 19, 2003
sorry just saw this

Surely not releasing field layouts before events would have a devastating impact on local fields such as the CPPS, who's income part relies on teams coming down to train most weekends?
Not sure it would. We used to train ALOT back in the 7man days. Just played less games, and concentrated on the little skills that made a difference. Thing we trained most was 1 on 1's probably. I reckon people would still need somewhere to train.

Also, whilst things might be more "exiting" playing the unknown and finding the spots during the course of the day, isn't it also a regression in terms of professionalism? For example, the teams that do well at the moment are those who put those hours into training week, in week out......indeed, I doubt my team would have done so well this year without those hours on the training field, finding those lanes and making the preparation that gave us the edge. Are we to be punished (in a fashion) for wanting to play more?
Yes maybe if you think about it that way. Ive been there man, it takes a great deal of effort playing Div 1 MS for an entire season, and all the "training" that goes with it, let alone trying to do well! Thing is, I started not enjoying it. Felt like a robot, and I think I experienced hatred for the game (only for a short while :) ) Same field every month, just slightly switched around, same group of teams every week (not that thats bad, but more variety is valuable experience.)

I understand though. I do love just playing, whatever format. If money were no object (i.e paintball was completely free) I would probably play Xball if I could. But Id also probably play some 7man aswell.

Although we enjoyed the 7man tournament, it was a lot more paint intensive than a normal 5 man day......think we shot about 2 cases each compared to 1/1.2 at a 5man, so as far as value goes, I don't think it offers a perfect solution.
You're right. Im being nostalgic in part. Its not perfect by any means.

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Moving slightly off subject, but sticking with the value for money element. It looks like the Super 6 events next year are working to push for more value for the average player. I know we're talking tournaments here, but if next years Super 6 recreation events are a success and the organisers provide what they promise, then the tournament scene might have to take some notes. I haven't been to a tournament for many years, but when was the last time an event had a promise list like this:

So what can players expect from a Super6 event?

- A full weekend of paintball for the same price as a normal one day event
- Hundreds of players – each leg will be a genuine Big Game weekend
- Some of the UK’s best paintball facilities
- The UK’s best event organisers, each an industry professional with years of experience
- Free tech classes
- Multiple Traders, manufacturers and vendors
- Free tech support for most major brands
- Free equipment workshops
- Free Super6 Academy
- Free Super6 Home Team Challenge
- Free HPA Safety Training and Pass Cards issued at the event
- Super6 TV – a 30 minute TV show from each Super6 leg
- Teams of professional photographers covering each leg
- Free Player Party on Super6 Saturdays
- Standardised ticket price – same price for all Super6 events
- Standardised game rules (i.e. chrono limits, fire modes) across all Super6 legs
- Vastly improved quality in catering with price limits in place to protect players
- Improved bathroom facilities, permanently manned and cleaned all weekend
- Fast track registration – less than 90 seconds to register
- Fixed team of head marshalls across all Super6 events – more consistent marshalling
- The Super6 girls!! Our team of Super6 models will be present at all Super6 events
- Scores of overseas players
- UK’s safest ever events
- UK’s biggest ever prize pool with over £10,000 worth of prizes to be given back to the players!!
- The Super6 Awards – trophies to be awarded at the end of year Paintball Awards
- The priceless Super6 Golden Gun to be won! A 24 carat gold handmade Angel Ark marker. The only one of it’s kind in the world, comes in its own handmade display case!

The Super6 is not a revolution for paintball, but the intention is that it is the start of the evolution of the woods based game.
Rob, the Super 6 is WDP doing for scenario paintball what they did for tournament paintball with the Super 7 back in 2003.

I think they will be very successful with it.

So, maybe a perfect "value" event for under and over18's would be one that had evening entertainment for both demographics - bands for the under 18's and strippers for the over 18's.

And lots of chicken wings.


3L1TE hax

Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2009
I think people over estimate the amount of players under the age of 18...

Especially to the extent that there could be a whole new tournament section for us.

The value can only be increased by accessing what parts of the game can be changed, then asking the players which one they should work on. choosing only one until the value has increased...

All of the above can be done with a monthly poll on P8nt. first the series owners tell us what can change, then we as a whole poll on what should change, then between each event we rate the event, letting the owners know how we feel. Not one guy talking about how he had a great time, or how he drove x miles only for the games to be slow and the layouts crap, we need everyone to come together to make a difference.

a regular poll will also help the owners see a bunch of things, for example the number of people from p8nt who came to their event, if they have improved anything at all, or if they have done anything wrong..


The Tao of Pooh
Jun 20, 2006
North London
I think people over estimate the amount of players under the age of 18...

Especially to the extent that there could be a whole new tournament section for us.

The value can only be increased by accessing what parts of the game can be changed, then asking the players which one they should work on. choosing only one until the value has increased...

All of the above can be done with a monthly poll on P8nt. first the series owners tell us what can change, then we as a whole poll on what should change, then between each event we rate the event, letting the owners know how we feel. Not one guy talking about how he had a great time, or how he drove x miles only for the games to be slow and the layouts crap, we need everyone to come together to make a difference.

a regular poll will also help the owners see a bunch of things, for example the number of people from p8nt who came to their event, if they have improved anything at all, or if they have done anything wrong..
If you are going to do that, then better to poll the actual players at an event - forum polls are notoriously inaccurate and lead to the "keyboard jockeys" having a disproportionate influence.
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Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
gotta say that i agree with hex as i am an under 18 player and can name 4 maybe 5 others with varying player levels (KOTHdiv 1 div 2 etc...) that i know from playing nspl, koth and training and playing regularly in devon. i think it's a lovely idea an under 18s league but for something like this you'd need a decent player base and if an under 18 player is playing they will (from personal experience and talking to friends) have little money and all the players i know have teams i dought the players would be able to afford to play both events even if the event was free to play as paint is always costly at events. I also don't think the captains would be too happy if they compromised the main event for the mini tournie. Anyone wouls find it hard getting together enough players to play these events.
I know this was mainly a little idea but i believe it's better to halt it there.
can't say anything from myy experience as it's very limited but i would say that one thing i do like about the big gams is lots of lifes :) i know it will be impossible to incorporate in to tournie but there you go


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2008
Also, I miss having a mixed bag in your prelim games. I used to play "Pro" (term used loosely) 7man from about 2000 until the EXL came about. And of course our bracket contained a few other Pro teams, so Im not talking about me really. Its the Am and Novice teams possibly having the chance to play Avalanche or Ground Zero, Joy or Ton Tons. Win or lose, thats gotta be a motivator to get yourself to a tournie! And not a gimme either for the Yanks. Dynasty would regularly lose 1 prelim match against an Am team, and smash everyone else.
If I remember the feedback thread for this years Fed cup, there were quite a few people and teams who hated playing against teams which came from an x-ball background (they themselves coming from 5 man and div2). Playing against the higher teams just doesn't interest some people. Personally 5 man is a skill in its own away from x-ball, I think a lost art in that, reffing it i saw few teams actually doing calls to each other or players talking between themselves because of the concentration involved in todays game.

I have only been playing since 2008 and taken all of this season off to finish university, I can totally see why people wouldn't come back, it costs a lot, the traveling is a killer on time which there just enough hours in a day to sleep. I was not tempted to come back.

Tell you why I did, friends and giving yourself something to look forward to at the end of every working week. Life is a grind, make it easier on yourself and give yourself something to look forward to and enjoy it with your friends, you cannot buy memories (many of the older balls 'remember' indicative of memory).

When people arrive at a paintball site, the likely chances are they haven't ever spoken to their teammates over the phone since the last paintball event or training - this right here is the new format of how people communicate now, perhaps the internet and teams forums is the killer? Speaking to someone, asking how their week and day was makes all the differance, its not something you really put on a forum post. [Robbo, this is not directed at this forum as its something I love, just demonstrating how technology has changed todays form of communication with facebook becoming so popular, people don't 'have a natter' over the phone anymore].

No single on thing such as improving a venue, making life cheaper, or game format can improve it. Play the game as you see fit and don't let others hold you back, have fun as Syd says. If you don't like x-ball then don't play it, if you want to play more 7 man, partition for it like Pete says, but if your the only one in the marjority that wants to play it then it doesn't happen. I am content as I don't know what was, if we want something we would usually suggest it via the organiser, talking to the traders and posts on forums after events, Chris Pelling and Rich Harris are always up for post event comments if they can try and make your life more fun.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
But if X-Ball is the format you have to play to compete at the top of the world, surely this is holding many teams back due to the cost to play it ?

If this is the case then it's a bottle neck for many teams and stunting some really good teams with perhaps not enough cash as others, from progressing and competing at the top?