mag feed is a very very limited market...its would not pay..and paintball sites would make no profit,,,also your a big bunch of girls...who cry if you so much as get shot twice,,,or get paint on your camos,,,LOL...< im smiling >
mag feed games used to be great,, you could use a tac cap.. which is a magazine,,, which as a loading system is way above the well type mags that you stick in the bottom of your gun...
dudes really, stop playing soldiers and come back to playing paintball...lets just have games with limits...or let us have ten shot tubes in our torny guns,,,oh i forgot,, you dont like that,,as then they dont look real and are also far faster to load..
lets have a adult chat about what a magazine my eyes a magazine is any thing that is used to load rounds into your gun/marker.. be it drum / stick / mag / or box...or even in bullet hopper...yes the japs had machine guns that you dropped bullets into .. this just sat on top and to one side,,,hey just like a paintball hopper... there are also magazines that come under the barrel and in the butt stock...these are called tube magazines...
so what is a magazine....