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is robbo on a major ego trip? bigger than the one we all thought he is on


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Dam !

I was asked to write that article at a moment's notice because the guy who was originally going to do so failed to submit it in time.
I then had to whip together an account of the tournament that was purely from my perspective because I had not really taken that much notice of anything that was going on.
This was because, as I said, I was not even going to write it up.
Had I known I was going to write it, I would have concentrated more on other things than just playing.
The alternative, at such short notice, was to not cover the event at all which as you know would have attracted untold flak from some people as they ranted ' PGI doesn't cover English events anymore'.
Basically, I 'had' to write it.
I apologise if it offended you in some way, all I tried to do was to give some form of personal account since I had never been that far north in my life to play paintball and my personal account was all I had in terms of material to write about.
Perhaps I did indulge myself but as I am sure you will know, I ain't exactly the most humble of people, but hey, that's just me, I can't help that, it's the way I am !
We can't all be great players, great personalities, great sportsmen, possess great dispositions and be singularly devoid of ego.
Some of us have faults mate and believe me, I got more than most.
I had a great time up north at that tournament and just wanted to try and give some people a flavour of just why I enjoyed it so much.


" ..- - .-- .- - " ;)
Jul 7, 2001
Hey Dam

Robbo wasn't just talking about his team-self, he did mention that the marshalling was good.
But if you read between the lines what he is REALLY saying is that the marshalls were a fantastic sample of the human race, and that and that he was in ORE of our stupendois good looks and skill of ....of....er......yeah...just skill. :D :D :D

see ya up messingham.....ding ding..final round.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Paul (Fusion Uk)

perhaps you'd prefer I write about your conquests but I fear that would be an extremely short article, so short in fact, I doubt it would consitute a sentence.
I hope you have taken the trouble to read my answer to the original posting which I hope, would have gone some way in explaining the nature of the article.
That said, if you still think the same then there's not a lot more I can do other than hold my hands up and plead guilty to being self-indulgent !

Paul (fusionUK)

Need Nickname?!?!?!
Jul 9, 2001
Manchester UK
Paul (Fusion Uk)

Originally posted by Robbo
perhaps you'd prefer I write about your conquests but I fear that would be an extremely short article, so short in fact, I doubt it would consitute a sentence.
I hope you have taken the trouble to read my answer to the original posting which I hope, would have gone some way in explaining the nature of the article.
I would think that since your post came after it, then you must have read it and chosen to ignore its content in favour of trying to look clever, still, the world is full of different people, ain't it Paul ?
It's what makes it go round, or so they say !
If you open your eyes you'll see my reply comes BEFORE your posting/explanation *sniff sniff* smell the coffee??

Clever?? ya don't know the meaning of the word :D

Paul (fusionUK)

Need Nickname?!?!?!
Jul 9, 2001
Manchester UK
Paul (Fusion Uk)

Originally posted by Robbo
perhaps you'd prefer I write about your conquests but I fear that would be an extremely short article, so short in fact, I doubt it would consitute a sentence.
I hope you have taken the trouble to read my answer to the original posting which I hope, would have gone some way in explaining the nature of the article.
That said, if you still think the same then there's not a lot more I can do other than hold my hands up and plead guilty to being self-indulgent !
Ahaaa see you've been busy with the ol edit button lol too late I'm afraid gotcha! lol

Easy tiger just messin' with ya!