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Is it always this quiet round here?


We used them at the weekend!

There still awesome, but finding ball detents these days is a bit of a task. Almost got tempted to sell mine a bit ago, but couldn't do it.

There the only 05's in GFH colours. The Nexus 06's used a similar colour scene on the G4H guns cos the Nexus guys loved ours so much ;)

Still only mine, Al's and Skids in existence and seeing as they only did a couple of other custom colour 05's I guess that makes them pretty epic. Bit of Planet history right there :D


F*ck Those Guys
Jul 6, 2001
Cool, They were a much darker green then the nexus ones if i recall right looked pretty sweet. think I've got some detents spare if you need some mate.
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Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Didn't you all start out shooting 15bps that day?? Great day it was too!!

Not that anyone minded, it was only for the craic really. I had an 06 Ego in that colour scheme. Loved it, saw one for trade offered up the other day too.
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Yeah 15bps when it should have been 12 was pretty fun. Refs going mad and the crowd shouting 'cheat gun' at me kinda made me feel special though. Them where the days :D

We think that planet must owe us a fortune in Copyright for all the GFH look alikes they've put out since then. And to think when we asked for those colours, Ledz and the rest told us we where mad and they'd look horrible. Guess the GFH know best ;):p