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Irion lions wiping scandal



Originally posted by stark
Glen, there is nothing to explain. This brown wings character has been asked to qualify his accusations, so far after 3 pages of posts nothing substantial is forth coming.

The 'Lions have been keeping out of this one because there is nothing to answer to.

I think there is a difference between SYB and puerile mud slinging.

Exactly - Brown Wings, you have been asked to qualify your statement, so please either do so or retract it, instead of having puerile little rants in your re-edited first post.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Fair enough Stark, to date there has been nothing of substance to respond to, that saying I'm concerned that cheating is rife and endemic at all levels of the game. If there was something of substance then perhaps it could have been debated (with some caution). "Cheating" isn't the preserve of the pro's like some people like to suggest, apologies if IL, get a bit dragged into this, but you would have enjoyed fair chance to answer any "scandalous" claims if unfounded.


Spitfire Factory
Sep 5, 2004
Ion Noob
how come accusing a team player of whiping isnt treated like accusations over dirty guns? i mean its all speculation and unproven isnt it? for example, i recall (but cant be bothered with re-reading) the replies from the stolen philly shocker thread throws a lot of accusations about cheats, light hearted or not.

i agree brown wings is a foul mouthed and cowarldy whinger - after all why not go over to the guy there and then and ask him what is he playing at without hiding behind miles of phone line, but whats the diffence in someone pointing out a wiping offence to someone pointing out a cheat board?

well i just gone through the whole thread, and it seems that the comparison above has been made, that guy must also be clued up.... ;)

but another thing that ive noticed and gets on my tits is how much bandwagon jumpers there are on this site. i didnt see the game in question, so i'll voice my opinion about something or other related to the subject, but i wouldnt jump to the defence or accuse anyone if i didnt see it and wasnt there. all of the people calling him a dick ad telling him to shut up....were you there by any chance?

im telling you what isolates a lot of people from paintball is the way we isolate ourselves from people. and when i think about it more, im sure theres a new thread in that.


New Member
Originally posted by brown wings1
spend less time on ur pc's a get out more the only reason i havent been on since yesterday is i go outside
That is odd, I thought the reason you had not been online because you were at school and don't like to post crap from there as it would be far to easy for the mods to work out who you really are.

Oh and is there any truth in the rumour that there are two of you using the BW1 account :p


Active Member
Jul 12, 2001
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Originally posted by brown wings1
c'mon so much hatred for 1 opinion my names chris edwards and am currently between teams if you must know u pompus **** wits track his ip ban him take a ****ing look at wot ur saying u ****ing wasters!! spend less time on ur pc's a get out more the only reason i havent been on since yesterday is i go outside i know its scary but try u sad tossers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Whatever,Save it for oprea

you retard :(

Cheating is like playing some people are very good at it and some people are s h i t at it

Get caught do the time ,dont get caught and tell your mates after the game :D :D :D
Oct 28, 2003
south central bookham
im the real chris edwards

everyone else is a pretender

i am currently in a hotel pulling doors of their hinges, influencing others to follow my poor behaviour in gettin completly paralytic (sp?). but im a good guy really!!!

i love you chris, i want your babies