If i were you.....
I'd get an A4 Fly or Speed 05. You can pick one of those up for like £200 for a speed and even less for a fly. Bargain of the century. Not good for the seller, but muchos good for you. And in answer to your question that others have missed, the A4 and speed absolutely rip in comparison to the Ir3.
I had a second hand ir3 as my first gun - it was ok, reliable as any angel, but i never felt confident in its ability to keep me alive by gunning fast. So i went up in the world, happened to go brand new with a speed 05, and man they rip something awesome! There's no need for me to get a new one, unless WDP float me a nice offer on the latest bling. And similarly, the A4 that belonged to someone else on the team was just as fast as my speed - anything after the A4 is plenty fast.
And regarding the settings on the board, A4 flys and speed 05s do have ramping, you just need the latest software version, which most have anyway. Yes, the spitfire boards have more settings, but unless you're planning on going to the NXL you'll do fine with the ramping for the mills