What was good about it! we went up two players short but managed to find one before the first game started, so we had ago with the four of us.
We went and played the Teabags first game and they had a player running trying to get his gun fixed and before he got back the game started so we was four each.... hahaha I thought.
The buggers preceded to teach us to suck eggs and they won without loss, not a good start, in fact the first time we had been beat with no excuse we could tell ourselves in a bloody long time.
We carried on for a while and was winning our games but could not get full points because to do that we had to finish with a full squad and since we didn't even start with that we was never going to end with it was we?
We then decided to put a young lad on the field with us - just turned thirteen and never even shot a gun but his uncle who was playing on our team had told him for years what to do.
So the following couple of games we won without loss and managed to get full points at last.
We never lost another game all day after the first but a couple of low scoring draws and the loss on the first game had it in for us and we ended up third.
The young lad only got shot twice all day (in seven games) but only once by another team! the other happened when he had shot his gun to close to the barricade he was behind and it left paint at the end of his barrel and he decided to put his finger in the end to clean it.
Unfortunately he still had his other hand around the grip frame and pulled the trigger, he screamed like a stuck pig and was rolling around as though someone had put a live round into him but after a couple of minutes he wanted to go back to the field and carry on.
So was it good? aside from the first game (and we will be looking for revenge) the day was indeed good.
I still think the scoring system should be slightly changed to reward positive play and when that is done it will be without doubt the place to be when playing woodland.