I had a brilliant day, (helped that our team came in second like

And a big thankyou simply isnt enough for the guys who put all the effort in to make the day so good.
From what i heard at, and after the event, the only gripes seem to be that the novice teams were in with us, and the amount of marshalls present.
But What else could have been done really? it was the sites first major event and most people were a bit dubeous that it was for real, and therefore didnt book/turn up, so chris had to guess how many marshalls he would need, its not like hes had past events there of that scale to use as a guage is it?
with only 2 novice teams, them playing a tournement between themselves would have proved for quite a boring day for them aswell....
But putting them in with a bunch of experienced players without any kind of help would be just plain unfair, not to mention unsportsmanly.
Overall though, most of the comments have been positive, which is the main thing, and hopefully there will be many more people there next time as it will be a brilliant day, just like this one was.
Again, thank you to the people who organised it/backed it/worked it.
And to the people who played it aswell.
See you all at the next one